我第一次坐飛機,有事想請教 ~~

2007-06-17 2:52 am

回答 (4)

2007-06-18 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are travelling on your own you should go to the airport and check in early and ask for for emergency exit alise seat. That will give me enough space to strech your leg.

If you book your ticket through an agent ask them to request for emergency exit alise seat.

If you follow a tour then you should ask your 領隊to arrange for you, of course you should let him know in advance.

Any way flying time to Taiwan is about an hour you will not be太辛苦
2007-06-17 5:26 am
2007-06-17 3:10 am
6呎高唔過200磅怎麼位置也不是太大問題,但建議唔好坐window seat因起身時唔小心會撞倒行李架,如果過了200磅(很多)便提出坐空姐位或check-in時同柜位講可能會升級至商務位----有朋友試過但他6呎5吋高重近300磅,祝你好運
2007-06-17 3:05 am
你可以o係check-in時要求一d more legroom既行數或者坐位, 例如: emergency seat

2007-06-16 19:06:31 補充:
i mean the seat next to the emergency exit

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