Confess 同Acknowledge有咩分別?

2007-06-17 12:18 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Confess [English]~ admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal:
Edwards confessed to being a spy for the KGB. admit something that you feel embarrassed about:
Marsha confessed that she didn't really know how to work the computer. tell a priest or God about the wrong things you have done so that you can be forgiven:
He knelt and confessed his sin.

1. 坦白,供認,承認

1to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists:
The family acknowledge the need for change.
2recognize something's importance [usually passive]if people acknowledge something, they recognize how good or important it is
acknowledge something as something
The film festival is acknowledged as an event of international importance.
3to accept that someone or something has authority over people:
Both defendants refused to acknowledge the authority of the court.
4to publicly announce that you are grateful for the help that someone has given you:
We wish to acknowledge the support of the university.
5show you notice somebody to show someone that you have noticed them or heard what they have said:
Tom acknowledged her presence by a brief glance.
6say you have received something to let someone know that you have received something from them:
I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter.

1. 承認
參考: Longman + yahoo
2007-06-17 12:28 am
Confess = "成認"


He confessed he killed the man.

Acknowledge = 知道, "成認"

He acknowledged he received the message.
他 "成認"收到留言

參考: 自己

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