想要日文and 英文翻譯以下文字...(20點)

2007-06-16 10:34 pm



回答 (3)

2007-06-16 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I good want to be you already (second party)…Is unconditionally you (the party of the first part)…Because I love you regardless of is a below pledge can pledge to the present second party to the party of the first part, the second party can cherish the party of the first part continuously, regardless of the party of the first part will future meet any misery, happy perhaps will be unhappy, the second party will be able to defend side the party of the first part, this pledge will be the entire life. Wishes the birthday to be joyful

よいIつは私が最初の部分の党にもかかわらず最初の部分の党に現在の第2党に帖当以下にもかかわらずであるa誓約してもいい第2党最初の部分の党を、絶えず大事にしてもいい未来の大会幸せなあらゆる悲惨さ多分である不運、第2党側面を守れる最初の部分の党、この帖当である全体の生命愛するので(第2党)…である無条件で(最初の部分の党)…既にでありたいと思う。 誕生日を嬉しいがあるために望む
參考: me
2007-06-16 10:49 pm
私はよくなりたいあなたはちょっと地を手に入れる以上は(乙方) .....無条理なのはあなた(甲方) ...私はあなたを愛するから

乙方各甲方は承諾した 乙方はずっと甲方を大切にしようとしていて,甲方にもかかわらずは将来どんな苦難に会った,たのしいとかとか愉快でないで 乙方はすべて守ろうとして甲方での身のまわり,この承諾は生涯でした。


I really want to make you and already have the ground (Party B ) .....It is you to be unconditional(Party A ) ...Because I love you
No matter is it some the following that promises to know correctly now

Party B every Party A promises, Party B will have cherished Party A all the time , no matter Party A will meet any suffering in the future, happy or unhappy, Party B will keep at Party A's side, this will be promised for the whole life .

Wish that happy on birthday
2007-06-16 10:42 pm
I good want to be you already (second party)…Is unconditionally you (the party of the first part)…Because I love you
regardless of is a below pledge can pledge to
the present second party to the party of the first part, the second party can cherish the party of the first part continuously, regardless of the party of the first part will future meet any misery, happy perhaps will be unhappy, the second party will be able to defend side the party of the first part, this pledge will be the entire life.

Wishes Happy Birthday

參考: hope can help you!!

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