you can teach me how to do??

2007-06-16 7:25 pm
Read the answers and write the questions

Candy likes keeping dogs
Candy likes keeping dogs because they are cute.
Yes,Candy has three dogs
Candy calls her dogs BoBo,Fatty and Little White.
Candy got her dogs from a pet shop.

6.______________________________________________ Candy's parents paid about five hundred dollars for each dog 7.______________________________________________ No,Candy have never kept any cats

回答 (3)

2007-06-16 8:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. What animal does Candy like keeping?
(It is in present tense, so you should use 'does'.)
2. Why does Candy like keeping dogs?
(It is in present tense, so you should use 'does'.)
3. Does Candy have any dogs?
(It is in present tense, so you should use 'does'.)
4. How does Candy call her dogs?
(It is in present tense, so you should use 'does'.)
5. Where did Candy get her dogs?
(It is in past tense, so you should use 'did'.)
6. How much did Candy's parents pay for each dog?
(It is in past tense, so you should use 'did'.)
7. Has Candy kept any cats?
(It is in present perfect tense, so you should use 'has'.)
參考: Myself
2007-06-16 7:29 pm
1. What does Candy like?
2. Why does Candy like keeping dogs?
3. Is Candy keeping dogs? How many dogs does she have?
4. How does Candy call her dogs?
5. Where did Candy get her dogs?

2007-06-17 14:48:47 補充:
6. How much did Candy's parents pay for each dog?7. Has Candy ever keep a cat?
參考: me
2007-06-16 7:29 pm
1. What kind of pet that Candy likes to keep?
2. Why dose Candy like to keep dos?
3. How many dogs that candy has?
4. What are the names of Candy's dogs?
5. Where did Candy get her dogs?

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