
2007-06-16 7:16 pm
6. Describe the religion in Ancient Egypt , Ancient Greece and Europe in the medieval times.
7. What were the main features of farming in the New Stone Age,Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Medieval Europe?
8. Find out the similarities and difference of Athens and Sparta in terms of:

(please use english to answer my question)

回答 (2)

2007-06-16 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
http://cd.emb.gov.hk /pshe/tc/history/dow nloads/CSS13HISC.pdf (中文)
http://cd.emb.gov.hk /pshe/en/history/dow nloads/CSS13HISE.pdf (english)
2007-06-16 11:21 pm
6.Ancient Egypt : turn to ch.2 notes,p.4,4,(a) and (b).you'll find it!!
Ancient Greece : ch.4,note p.4,(iv)
Europe in the medieval times:notes,ch.5,p.2 A.1 (a,b,ii,iii)
7.New Stone Age; book p.19,(a)
Ancient Egypt: note ch.3 p.3 ,3(a)
Ancient Greece: the famer growing wheat ,grape,olives and other crops
Medieval Europe; book p.152 (c)(i)
8.Location; note ch4 p.3(ii)(a)(b)

are you YUKI FUNG???? I am ELSA

2007-06-16 15:43:53 補充:
do you know Q3??identfry
參考: Mr.wong's notes and from the book

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