怎樣說 我愛你

2007-06-16 10:45 am
I met a girl(一位漂亮的姐姐) in a computer game shop, she 's so friendly and nice.
The most important thing is that I found I loved her. I don't know her name ,her phone number ,her age , but I have known her for about a half year, that's funny ,isn't it?
But this is my first time to love a girl.
What should I do and how should I do to let her know my heart?
Please! Help me.
So thank you in advance!

回答 (3)

2007-06-16 10:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
As you said that the girl is so nice and friendly,
then you should try to talk to her more actively,
for example, talk about games, what things she likes to do during holidays, go out with friends or boyfriend? Try to discover that she has a boyfriend now or not.
Try talk to her more and more and you can say, "Oh, I like your dress."
If she answers you that she doesn't have a boyfriend, then ask her what kind of a guy she likes.
Try to ask her MSN, email or contact information,
Send her an ecard to encourage her on her work or her life.
Then later on, you can ask her to go out to shopping/sing karaoke/watch a movie.
You can also ask her how she thinks about you.
If she has a good impression about you, you can say to her that she is a good girl that
you appreciate her pretty much and feel like her.
Then to see how she reacts, if she does like you, then good, if she views you a little brother, then you can say you want to be a good friend with her.

Good Luck to you.
2007-06-16 7:40 pm
依d唔係叫愛, 你千萬唔好同人講你愛人地. 唔好嚇死佢!

我覺得你好喉禽囉, 見人地靚你先有種愛佢既感覺姐, 你想擁有佢丫嘛....

凡事step by step啦, 你太過沉醉依種感覺先以為自己愛佢, 你又未真係知道佢真正為人, 好多野你都係unkown, 唔好咁快寫包單講依個字, 你有好大責任同埋, 有機會後悔.

或者先識左佢, 同佢做左朋友先, 一個男仔想識一個女仔, 依個行為, 就已經代表對女方有好感, 個女仔一定知道.

如果佢唔拒絕你成為朋友, 你再可以慢慢約下佢出街, 請佢食飯等等....慢慢係佢生活上有你既存在後, 搵個好機會同佢表白, 真係了解左佢之後, 再講愛都未遲.....

第一次係咁架喇, 到你大個d, 就會知道咩野真係叫愛....

2007-06-16 11:16 am
你想對她說我愛妳.冇セ用.最好就是知道佢鍾唔鍾意你.係話佢好nice或者佢又係覺得你好nice而已.若果一個女仔鍾意一個男仔.佢會比好多機會你.就算係好笨.佢都一樣比機會你直到達到目的為止.向一個唔知道佢鍾唔鍾意你嘅女仔講I love you 唔係咁好後果係可能下次見都冇得見.唉....鍾意人係好慘嘅.返学想住佢,食飯想住佢.滋味不好受.倒不如繼續咁做个咕咕下嘅朋友咁等佢表示好過啦.連人哋個名都唔知又点可以向人示愛呢.成熟小小.緣份天注定.切莫強求啊!

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