請教英文~~英文好請幫幫忙 :)

2007-06-16 10:15 am
我同外國朋友畫左張素描畫, 網上比佢睇佢好鍾意, 仲print左出黎掛. 我想同佢講

" 如果有機會, 你黎香港我可以送張真"績"畫比你 " or

" 如果有機會你黎香港我可以送張畫比你 "

英文可以點講呢? 唔好用網上就咁換英文貼比我

我係想要比較外國口語化的!! thanks!!

回答 (4)

2007-06-16 8:37 pm
" 如果有機會, 你黎香港我可以送張真"績"畫比你 "
" If you have a chance to come to HK, I can give you the original painting."

" 如果有機會你黎香港我可以送張畫比你 "
" If you have a chance to come to HK, I can give you a painting."
參考: Myself
2007-06-16 11:50 am
如果有機會, 你黎香港我可以送張真"績"畫比你
if you have a chance to come to hk, I can give you the genuine one/drawing
if you come to hk by chance, I can give you the genuine one/drawing

if you have a chance to come to hk, I can give you a drawing/painting
if you have a chance to come to hk, I can give draw one for you
if you come to hk by chance, I can give you a drawing/painting
if you come to hk by chance, I can draw one for you
2007-06-16 10:23 am
* If you have a chance to come to Hong Kong, I will draw a real picture to you.
If you have a chance to come to Hong Kong, I will give a picture/my art works to you.
2007-06-16 10:23 am
" 如果有機會, 你黎香港我可以送張真"績"畫比你 "
I can give you the original if you come to Hong Kong.

" 如果有機會你黎香港我可以送張畫比你 "
I can draw a picture for you if you come to Hong Kong.

大概這種意思吧...希望幫得上忙 ^^

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