請英文高手翻譯.Thank you very much

2007-06-16 7:54 am
請各位替我這封信翻譯成英文,謝谢.(請要formal letter)

Mr xxx' {校長}
你好,本人兒子 xxx class 7A 明年將要送到英國留校,我們已替他報考了数間中學學校, 對方亦接受本人之申請, 而對方學校希望 [如有雖要的話] 可以跟校長你或有關部鬥聯絡上,查詢小兒在校內的情况事宜,本人非常感謝你作出寶貴的時間.

回答 (5)

2007-06-16 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mr xxx' {校長}
你好,本人兒子 xxx class 7A 明年將要送到英國留校,我們已替他報考了数間中學學校, 對方亦接受本人之申請, 而對方學校希望 [如有雖要的話] 可以跟校長你或有關部鬥聯絡上,查詢小兒在校內的情况事宜,本人非常感謝你作出寶貴的時間.

Mr. xxxxx
The principal,
x xxxxx College,
Dear Sir,
Re: Overseas Studying Follow Ups for
Class 7A student, xxxxxxxxxxx (兒子的中英文全名)
My son, xxxxxxxxxxxxx is going to study at UK next year. Several high schools have accepted my son for admission to their high schools. If needed, they will try to contact you for reference on his transcripts and the like.
Kindly help us to provide such information as per request.
Yours truly,
Father of 7A student xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

admission to = 接受申請入學
transcripts and the like 已包括了學業(成績單)上的和在校的情况事宜

2007-06-16 00:35:40 補充:

2007-06-17 00:16:12 補充:
這句Several high schools have accepted my son for admission to their high schools.可改為Several high schools have endorsed his admission to the school.感覺上更為流利。

2007-06-17 00:22:55 補充:
參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners
2007-06-17 4:49 pm
Mr xxx' {校長}
你好,本人兒子 xxx class 7A 明年將要送到英國留校,我們已替他報考了数間中學學校, 對方亦接受本人之申請, 而對方學校希望 [如有雖要的話] 可以跟校長你或有關部鬥聯絡上,查詢小兒在校內的情况事宜,本人非常感謝你作出寶貴的時間:

Mr xxx' ,
how are you, my son xxx in class 7A Next year will be going to deliver England to keep after school, we have registered a few secondary school for him, opposite party have also accepted myself the application, but opposite party school hoped [if it is necessary ] to be allowed with principal you or related fights in the contact, will inquire young child's in school sentiment matters concerned, thank you very much for use your valuable time.
2007-06-16 11:30 pm
Mr xxx' {principal} you are good, myself son xxx class 7A will next year be going to deliver England to keep after school, we have registered for several between middle school schools for him, opposite party have also accepted myself the application, but opposite party school hoped [like will have speech which although will want] to be possible with principal you or related fights in the contact, will inquire young child's in school situation matters concerned, myself will thank you to make the precious time extremely.
2007-06-16 12:38 pm
Dear Principal XXXX

How do you do? I am the parent of one of your student, xxxxxx of class 7A. We plan to send my son to United Kingdom to study next year, and we have already applied for a several high schools for him and he got accepted. The representatives of the schools in the United Kingdom wish to get contact with you or the correspondence department to enquire my son’s record and reference if needed.

I appreciated very much for your help and thank you very much for your valuable time and attention.
Best regards
2007-06-16 8:02 am
Dear Mr. xxx

How are you? I am writing this letter to tell you that we have planned to send my son xxx, who is attending class 7A now, to the United Kingdom for study next year. We have applied several secondary schools for him, and he got admitted by all of them, on the condition that if necessary they will contact you or other teachers to enquire about xxx's work and conduct in your school.

I appreciate very much for your help and thank you for your attention.

Best regards,


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