paris special products

2007-06-16 6:48 am
有甚麼special product係香港係無得賣, 只有法國paris先有得賣架?
urgent !!!!

回答 (1)

2007-06-16 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Plenty!!! If you will bring some back for me I'll give you a list.
We don't know your interests, so it's hard to tell. From the top of my head:
Gourmet food - cheeses, wine from small producers, calvados
Fashion - vintage clothes, small designers, tailors, everything can be custom-made in Paris (the Hermes and Dunhill stores are run differently in Paris and offer custom-made items), luggage/trunk makers
Antique - books, paintings, furniture, jewelry. I even know a seller for antique music boxes in Paris on Rue de Bac (it's worth taking a look even if you are not buying).
And of course, though not for sale, are beautiful people in Paris. Hang out around Neo or Le Baron in the evening to catch all the glamour of Paris!

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