去打寵物小精靈鑽石版的四大天王, 夠唔夠lv?? ~~~(10點)

2007-06-16 4:11 am
no. 395 エンペルト ,lv62 (水柱巨砲 ,鑽啄 ,地震, 滑浪)
no. 398 ムクホーク ,lv61 (飛燕疾擊 ,戰鳥無懼, 近身拳擊 ,飛翔)
no. 407 ロズレイド ,lv61 (魔幻葉子,花瓣舞 ,影子球 ,污泥爆彈)
no. 445 ガブリアス ,lv61 (狂咬, 龍爪, 火焰噴射, 石刃)
no. 448 ルカリオ ,lv62 (闇之波動 ,波導彈 ,龍之波動 ,精神念力)
no. 483 ディアルガ ,lv61 (時之咆哮 ,光柵炮 , 冷凍光束 ,十萬伏特)

回答 (6)

2007-06-21 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該夠 (用道具)
評 :
no. 395 エンペルト
沒冰招 地震給它浪不浪費
no. 398 ムクホーク
all right 不過可能有更好的招
no407 ロズレイド
你真闊佬 有兩招要大量bp換
no. 445 ガブリアス
火焰噴射是特攻 他沒人用特攻
no. 448 ルカリオ
no. 483 ディアルガ

2007-06-18 11:22 pm
Of course it is enough... The champion's (cynthia) pokemon are at 60-66... I beated her with pkmns around lv. 40-62... Make good use of type adventages.
P.S. Three of your pokemons are the same with hers... Is this a coincidence or...
2007-06-17 3:15 am
maybe, but the chance is so slim...

you should raise them to like 70 lvl and buy some heal item... too

Also, you can find some pokemon which the master weakest too...

The master's pokemon are all 100 level!!!!!
2007-06-17 1:13 am
唔夠 選我最佳回答
2007-06-16 4:43 am

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