
2007-06-16 3:22 am

係唔係要set bank pin number?

回答 (11)

2007-06-17 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
彩鞋english name fancy boot. you can go to brab to find it.u can see there have a rock that broke. you should go downand start your adventure. you should done recovery question may be dang in last 2 should bring many food to go there. at last flour. itwill ask you want fristing boot and fancy boot. you say fancy boot then it will give fancy boot you.

you will get 10k and a boot there
參考: me
2007-06-22 5:49 am

入口對安全堡壘是不錯在野蠻村莊的中心。 您在它能通過點擊進入它在岩石與那裡一個孔在採礦補丁中間。 您能到達野蠻村莊通過直接旅行西部從Varrock,或者通過跟隨路北部,然後東部,從Falador。


戰爭穹頂將是您的第一登入點入它是安全的堡壘和一個不祥的詞條。 牆壁是堅實石頭和鐵,并且惡劣的光通過在牆壁設置的格柵閃爍。 在廢棄物之前去地板和屋子那些人的骨骼群集與野獸致力戰爭藝術。

二樓下來致力飢餓和飢餓。 它看相當與戰爭不同穹頂,因為它的地板在沙子被塗上,并且牆壁和門似乎由骨頭製成。 因為您會期望,飢餓駕駛土牢的這個地板居民,并且您可能是他們的下頓快餐。

第三個水平無容置疑地是最奇怪的。 奇怪的捲須在房間的角落掙扎,并且牆壁和門滲流foul-smelling流體。 您得到感覺您將捉住某一卑鄙的疾病,如果您花費許多時間下來那裡。

像一個寺廟到死亡崇拜,最後地板充滿骨頭。 牆壁在他們被蓋,門從他們被修建,并且您將找到得那裡的所有生物已經是死的。 最巨大的獎勵在安全堡壘等候您,雖則…


頭骨君權是包含將返回您到野蠻村莊5次遠距傳物咒語的力量梯級。 您能通過收集零件修建頭骨君權從妖怪下落。

戰爭穹頂是一個猛烈地方,但戰爭尊敬戰士并且是願意為那些足够強提供禮物。 為與您的方式戰鬥通過戰爭穹頂您將獎勵與這胸口,包含硬幣,并且新為您表現感情到用途。

,雖然飢荒地下墓穴是一個乾旱的地方那裡食物那裡,雖然從地下墓穴的居民被鎖。 豐足五穀是做它的獎勵通過飢荒地下墓穴的飢餓的走廊。 它包含硬幣,并且新表現感情。

傳染病坑是太長期花費的一個斷然不健康的地方,因此它只是不錯箱子健康應該等待設法做它對中央房間的那些人。 箱子健康不僅包含硬幣和一表現感情,但它也將恢復所有您的stats。

生活禮物等待只有那些冒險家足够堅強和足够大膽擊敗死亡Sepulchre。 您必須安排您的補救問題被設置接受您的獎。 在搖籃之內二雙靴子,但您可以只採取一。 如果您改變主意并且決定您會想要其他對更好,回到搖籃交換他們。

‹)這些起動是您可以從生活搖籃選擇的其中一個對和一個愉快地裝飾對。 他們來以一定數量的獎金,并且做美好的加法對任何人的衣櫥。

為那些在渴望起動看一樣殘酷儘可能的您之中。 這些墊鐵被打翻的戰士的起動不僅告訴您的敵人您被裝備應付他們,但看相當spiffing與裝甲的多數類型。
參考: Runescape,PokWing,Runescape AC:Wlts4,ima2yearold
2007-06-20 11:44 pm
參考: ME
2007-06-20 7:10 am
You need to set the Recovery Question, by the way a pin number is good for you, set it.
參考: Myself Matthew Ho level-115
2007-06-19 4:28 pm
1)彩鞋can't trade you can get it in the village in the W of varrock,go down 4th stage then you can get it,if have 彩鞋 or fighter boot, you can only get one.
1th have lv5,12,13 or 14
2th have lv28
3th l forget,sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
4th have lv82demon

2)no need to set bank pin number

2007-06-19 08:29:47 補充:
彩鞋 is fancy boot
參考: me and some friend playing runescape!!!!!!!!!!bye~~~~~~~~~
2007-06-18 10:19 pm
彩鞋=fancy boot

你唔係要set bank pin,而係set 5條recovery questions

Set recovery questions:
係main menu到噤set new recovery questions,輸入username and password,之後再輸入多1次password,選擇questions,寫答案,然後噤submit

fancy boot係stronghold of security(babarian village duegeon)最底嗰層嘅reward,有Ankou(75-86lvl),同Ghost(75-87lvl),去到個迷宮最中間有個candle of life,search後就搵到fancy boot(選擇fighting boot都得)。

Skull Sceptre:
Skull Sceptre啲parts就係喺stronghold of security啲minotaur(有right skull half,喺第一層,lvl12-27),fresh crawler(bottom of sceptre,喺第二層,lvl28-35),catablepon(lvl64,top of sceptre,有top of sceptre),同Ankou(有left skull half,最底嗰層)。

2007-06-18 14:26:05 補充:
搵skull sceptre parts要打好多minotaur,fresh crawler,Ankou,同catablepon。第一層的獎品(gift of peace):2k第二層的獎品(grain of plenty):3k第三層的獎品(box of health):5k最底嗰層的獎品(candle of life):fancy boot/fighting boot啲嘢都喺個maze(迷宮)中間
參考: me
2007-06-18 2:58 am
You need to go to Stronghold to get 彩鞋, you don't need to set a bank pin number.

The entrance to the Stronghold of Security is right in the centre of the Barbarian Village. You can enter it by clicking on the rock with a hole in it in the middle of the Mining patch there. You can reach the Barbarian Village by travelling directly west from Varrock, or by following the road north, then east, from Falador.

The Depths of the Stronghold

The Vault of War
The Vault of War will be your first point of entry into the Stronghold of Security, and an ominous entry it is. The walls are solid stone and iron, and a baleful light flickers through grills set in the walls. The skeletons of those who have gone before litter the floors and the rooms swarm with beasts dedicated to the art of warfare.

The Catacomb of Famine
The second floor down is dedicated to starvation and hunger. It looks quite different from the Vault of War, as its floors are coated in sand, and the walls and doors seem to be made of bone. As you would expect, the inhabitants of this floor of the dungeon are driven by hunger and you could be their next snack.

The Pit of Pestilence
The third level is undoubtedly the most grotesque. Odd tendrils writhe in the corners of rooms and the walls and doors ooze foul-smelling fluids. You get the feeling that you'll catch some vile disease if you spend too much time down there.

The Sepulchre of Death
Like a temple to the worship of Death, this last floor is filled with bones. The walls are covered in them, the doors are constructed from them, and all of the creatures you will find there are already dead. The greatest reward in the Stronghold of Security awaits you, though...


Skull sceptre
Skull sceptres are staves containing the power of a teleport spell that will return you to the Barbarian Village 5 times. You can construct a skull sceptre by collecting the parts from monster drops.

The Gift of Peace
The Vault of War is a violent place, but War respects a warrior and is willing to offer a gift to those strong enough. For fighting your way through the Vault of War you will be rewarded with this chest, containing coins and a new emote for you to use.

The Grain of Plenty
Though the Catacomb of Famine is an arid place there is food there, albeit locked off from the Catacomb's inhabitants. The Grain of Plenty is the reward for making it through the starved corridors of the Catacomb of Famine. It contains coins and a new emote.

The Box of Health
The Pit of Pestilence is a decidedly unhealthy place to spend too long in, so it is only right that the Box of Health should wait for those who manage to make it to the central chamber. The Box of Health not only contains coins and an emote, but it will also restore all of your stats.

The Cradle of Life
The Gift of Life waits for only those adventurers strong enough and bold enough to defeat the Sepulchre of Death. You must have your recovery questions set to receive your prize. Within the Cradle are two pairs of boots, but you may only take one. If you change your mind and decide you'd like the other pair better, return to the Cradle to swap them.

Fancy Boots(彩鞋)
These boots are one of the pairs you may choose from the Cradle of Life, and a delightfully decorative pair they are. They come with a number of bonuses and will make a fine addition to anyone's wardrobe.

Fighting Boots
For those among you who desire boots that look as brutal as possible. These horn-tipped warriors' boots not only tell your enemies that you're equipped to deal with them, but look quite spiffing with most types of armour.
參考: Got the information above in in Knowledge Base Home.
2007-06-17 7:40 am
under Barbarian Village.
u can got 10k and boot at inside.
if u want i can help u go get it.
talk to me at my e-mail:([email protected])
u need alot the food at inside.
if u are high lvl u can get it very fast.
if u r lvl 3~15... hehe.(u need about 10 food.)
2007-06-17 3:12 am
The stronghold of security...

You will get the boot at the last room...

You can get there from the bararian village(the hold), the village is east of varrock

The Rewards

You will get 10k gp for finishing all 4 rooms.

You will get to choose either a pair of Fighting Boots or Fancy Boots for completing the last room. (Both of the boots have the same stats, they just look different.)

Name Pic Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Other Bonuses
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Strength Prayer
Fighting boots +0 +0 +0 -3 -1 +1 +2 +3 +0 +0 +0 +0
Fancy boots +0 +0 +0 -3 -1 +1 +2 +3 +0 +0 +0 +0

Ya, you need to set the pin number...

Go to any bank and talk to the banker...
you have to play good i have but you have to 選我最佳回答
2007-06-16 4:20 am
u need to go to the Stronghold maze,the fourth floor
u need to set ur recovery question(the question that u can find ur pw if ur acc has stolen or...)After set it,login and go to barbarian village,cimb down the hole(near the rock)
Then go through the 1st maze
u need to answer some question about password security to go through the door
if ur lv is 20lv or lower,u need to bring some food like trout and pike...
there are 77 lv ghost in 4th maze.
if u dont know how to go though the maze,i can bring u to there
my username is ckf1125
參考: me

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