請問邊到讀LCC 好d呢??我係初學者,請大家俾多d意見..thz!!

2007-06-16 2:31 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-16 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港商業專科學校 is ok~
http://www.hksc.edu.hk/ la ~
it is ok and give a school exam to u before the LCCI open exam.

Price has to focus on your level LV 2 is around $1500
Level 3 is around $1980

2007-06-25 9:14 am
你可考慮聖柏斯,我朋友剛由Level 1讀到Level 3,該校的教師講解詳盡,所以佢成日都叫我去,不過我的時間唔啱所以沒有,而且原來我有些同事亦在該校讀過會計,成績優良,令我羡慕,我唸應該唔錯!

價錢方面:Level 1:$850, Level 2 : $1,650, Level 3 : $1,950
2007-06-24 7:38 pm
香港聖柏斯專業學校 ok
lever 1 好
lever2-3 快及沒有書看, 只有notes
如果你的基本不好, 會根不上.
lever1 $750-800, lever 2 $1500-1900, lever 3 $1800-2000

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