history exam

2007-06-16 2:15 am
1. explain how the four main centres of early civilization and ancient greek civilization began?

2. how could you identify these features of history after studying stone age, ancient egyptian and ancient greek history?

please use english to answer quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-16 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Explain how these civilizations began:
For the four main centres of early civilization, it began because of river valleys. Near the river valleys, firstly, the land was fertile, crops could grow better
Secondly, people could get water to drink and irrigate crops.
Thirdly, people could hunt animals coming to drink water and catch fish in rivers.
Lastly, people could travel form one place to another, or carry their goods by boats.
For Ancient Greek civilization, there were two main reasons, Firstly, Ancient Greeks traded with people living in the Fertile Crescent and Egypt.
Secondly, it developed from Minoan and Mycenaean civilization. Therefore, Greeks learnt their civilized way and started their own civilization.


PS:Actually, Are you from TLGC????????????

2007-06-17 02:41:23 補充:
wow !!!!!!lay到all都係TLGC!!!!!!!!!
參考: me
2007-06-16 11:54 pm

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