
2007-06-16 1:47 am

回答 (5)

2007-06-16 4:16 am
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partial eclipse是指天文學上的偏蝕

偏食是指人揀飲擇食,英文是”picky eating”,而偏食的人叫”picky eater”
yahoo字典也有一例:She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.(她正在節食,所以挑食挑得厲害。)
所以,picky eating就是偏食
若你在yahoo搜尋”picky eating”,就會看到很多談及”偏食”的文章,以下就是其中一段:
Children and picky eating (adults too)

It worries conscientious parents, but usually nothing need be done. Here are background information and suggestions.

An overview

Although it worries parents, picky eating is usually a stage that children outgrow, a normal part of childhood development seen in toddlers who are learning to be independent and enjoying the power of the word "No!" Needless to say, extended food refusal can drive parents to frustration and feelings of inadequacy, leaving them frantically searching for ways to get their kids to eat.
In less frequent cases, children are picky eaters from birth, consuming only small amounts of a few favorite foods. If parents do get food into them by tempting, punishing, manipulating or bribing them, results may range from tears to tantrums to physical distress; e.g., vomiting. Then well-meaning moms and dads, legitimately concerned about their children's health, are left feeling even more frustrated, ineffective, anxious and guilty.
In the first situation, parents are faced with a power struggle. In the second, researchers are finding that physiology may play a part. It seems that about 25 percent of us are "supertasters," people who have many more tastebuds than the general population. Supertasters find certain fruits (such as grapefruit) and vegetables (especially broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower) intolerably bitter, avoiding them at all costs. Cooking does not diminish the bitterness. Children are more likely than adults to be supertasters, suggesting that the sensitivity to bitterness diminishes over time...

2007-06-16 2:17 am

fussy ( adj.)

Don't be so fussy about your food. 唔好揀飲擇食.
可以就咁叫 Don't be so fussy 都得.
2007-06-16 1:52 am

2007-06-15 17:53:28 補充:
偏心 偏愛 特別喜愛partiality
2007-06-16 1:50 am
偏食 標示解釋


pian shi
ㄆㄧㄢ ㄕˊ

1.[Astronomy] partial eclipse
2.partiality for a particular kind of food; ill-balanced feeding

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