
2007-06-16 12:16 am


當然係類似LV O個O的啦,袋呀,銀包咁呀LOR。

回答 (3)

2007-06-16 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
講手袋最貴, 一定係LV
06年秋冬出既LV白金袋, 法國訂價12萬歐元(港幣124.8萬)
美國訂價比較貴, 要us$210,000, 相等於HK$1,638,000


呢個可能係史上最貴(未証實, 只係報紙係咁樣寫)
Hermès and 其他品牌未有超過100萬既袋

另外Hermès 唔係樣樣野都萬萬聲
以下呢d都係Hermès 袋









法國名牌Hermes首推的除了scarf外,還有是手袋系列,梁詠琪早前到日本旅行拍宣傳照,出入就以一個Hermes Sailor Bag相伴,帶點浪人的型格。
梁詠琪這個麻布質料Sailor Bag約售二千元,與Hermes經典及身份象徵的Kelly或Birkin相比,價錢實在便宜得多,難怪Sailor Bag推出以來一直是潮流人心水,可謂是Hermes手袋中抵玩之選。


如果講Brand Value(品牌價值)邊個最貴?
LV排第17 (05年排第18, luxury brand排no.1)
Gucci 排第46 (05年排第49)
Chane排第 61 (05年排第65)
Hermès排第81 (05年排第82)
Prada排第96 (05年排第93)
Burberry排第98 (05年百大不入)
2007-06-17 4:46 am
There are two answers to your question. First, the most expensive off-the-rack item (meaning, ready-made, or something you can just buy from the store), second, the most expensive item that can be made (meaning, custom-made, or custom-order, cannot be bought from the store).
For most expensive off-the-rack item, it is probably Hermes. Other contenders are brands such as Goyard, Louis Vuitton, Valextra (the Italian version of Hermes), Asprey, etc..
The most expensive item that can be made is really hard to say. For all these brands (Hermes, Vuitton, Goyard, Valextra, etc.) you can order anything you create, and the price could be as high as you can imagine. You can custom-order a crocodile bag from Hermes, or ask Asprey to create a bag with a pear-size diamond for millions. There are also other smaller makers who charge exorbant amount for custom-order bags. "April In Paris", a shop in San Francisco (http://www.aprilinparis.us/home), is run by a lady who formerly worked in Hermes. She will create any handbag for you that would cost higher than Hermes.
For the really rich and famous (or, in old-fashioned term, the aristocrats), they usually don't buy items that are off-the-rack, because they run the risk of carrying the same item as someone else (imagine if Queen Elizabeth were to carry the same bag as you if she bought it from a shop!). They always have their items custom-made for them, and the prices for these unique items are quite secretive - you won't read about them in newspapers or magazines.
2007-06-16 12:20 am
你嘅問題好空泛喎, 你想知邊類型產品呀?

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