
2007-06-15 11:43 pm

回答 (3)

2007-06-16 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
因此, 努力探討如何在課堂中合理而又有效地使用技術, 特別是利用現代化信息技術來改進課堂教學, 乃是擺在學校教育者面前的重大研究課題。
Therefore, to explore how technology can be reasonably and effectively used during lessons, especially the application of modern information technology to improve classroom teaching, is an important issue of study for all educators.

2007-06-15 19:09:48 補充:
explore 除了解 ‘探測’ 或 ‘探險’, 亦解 ‘(對某一問題的)探討’;application = 應用、施行;study 這裡不是 ‘學習’ 或 ‘溫習’, 而是 ‘(對某課題的)研究’;educators = 教育工作者、教師。

2007-06-15 19:36:10 補充:
上面網友是用軟件翻譯, 故此文法是錯的, 句子沒有subject、動詞文法不對(例如 is suspends)、不應存在的冠詞(例如 THE technology, THE classroom instruction)。個別選詞亦有問題, 例如用 pedagog (應該是pedagogue) 形容 ‘教育者’;pedagogue 通常帶有貶意, 指拘泥教條的老師, 而且這字過於 formal, 何不簡單用 educator 呢。
2007-06-17 5:05 pm

Therefore, how diligently discusses reasonably and also effectively uses the technology in the classroom, specially improves the classroom instruction using the modernization information technology, is suspends at the school edition front significant research topic.
2007-06-15 11:47 pm
Therefore, how discusses diligently uses the technology reasonably and also effectively in the classroom, specially improves the classroom instruction using the modernization information technology, is suspends in front of the school pedagog's significant research subject.

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