
2007-06-15 10:01 pm
我的電腦之前試過開唔著,之後又開到,不過就冇左display. 但display card的fan 就仍然正常轉動,不知是那裡出問題呢?


回答 (2)

2007-06-15 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
display problem ? identify the problem by :-

1. check LCD monitor
if unplug the VGA/DVI cable and just turn on the LCD
then the LCD should be able to show " NO SIGNAL "
if nothing shown, then LCD monitor is not working
and then you need to repair it or buy a new one

2. if LCD is working, then check the VGA/DVI cable
if plug in the VGA/DVI cable firmly and turn on PC
still nothing showing, then it is possible the display card is not working

3. try the display card plug to another PC
find another PC if you have, or ask your friend to help

4. if display card is working, then it may be other PC component has problem
at least the PC BIOS screen should be showing the bootup BIOS setup screen
if not, then the motherboard has problem

2007-06-15 10:09 pm

2007-06-16 03:49:11 補充:

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