
2007-06-15 9:57 pm
因為我去New Zealand 讀書..
我想問..如果我想係New Zealand 用部手提電腦上網咁要點做?
定係要點做?? thx..

回答 (3)

2007-06-15 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
現時手提電腦都內置了, 無線網絡卡及有線的網絡卡的, 所以不必另配置額外硬件的, 至於如何設定, 要看當地你住的地方是什麼制式了, 詳情應向當地的網絡管理人員查詢, 不過硬件配備你絕對不必擔心, 因為大家都是一樣的.

2007-06-15 14:03:31 補充:
首先不必要買, 就算要買都不一定要在當地買, 所以樓上的可以說是廢話

2007-06-15 14:15:49 補充:
樓下的, 未必可行的, 有些學校的dhcp伺服器(以前小弟諗科大時都是一樣), 要登錄mac 地址的, 所以最佳方法是向網管員或你的同學詢問如何設定.
參考: me
2007-06-15 10:08 pm
All notebook is already come with Ethernet network port, you do not need to use this money to buy wired-Ethernet adapter.

If you want to use wireless, you must open your wireless configuration adapter, setup the SSID, any encryption key used on your school - if yes, pls setup the encryption key.

Then check whether the wireless signal is receive in good condition.

Finally setup TCP/IP protocol under control panel -> network. See whether your school is support DHCP, if yes, then you will receive the IP automatically. Otherwise you must be received the TCP/IP address from your school
參考: me
2007-06-15 10:01 pm
網絡卡is so expensive!It's about$200(New Zealand)Dollars

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