Used to、be used to...........(40分)

2007-06-15 8:26 pm
可唔可以簡介一下Used to、be used to


回答 (3)

2007-06-15 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
used to
used + infinitive ( with to ) ,

used + infinitive 表示一個 * 現在已中斷 * 的過去的習慣 ,
或與現在不同的過去狀況 ,
She used to dislike Tom but she quite likes him now .
He used to drink beer ; now he drinks wine .

若沒有和現在作對比 , 只述說過去的習慣 , 可用 would ,
Every morning Tom would kiss Ann and set off for work .

used 作形容詞時 , 意為 accustomed ( 已習慣於某事 ) ,
be used to 的 to 是 preposition ,
be used to + noun / pronoun / gerund ,
I am used to noise .
I am used to working in a noisy room .
( 意指我在嘈雜的房間工作過 , 因此吵鬧聲不會打擾我 , 我不介意 )

I used to 跟 I am used to 是不同的 ,

P.S.: i found it in

and i think this is the best answer for your question!!

hope this can help you^^

here is some 練習:
2007-06-15 8:47 pm
very hard to 中文講.....

Used to = have done before. 以前做"gwor"..
Be used to = i think u mean "am used to". 已經識做 or 成日都做

When i was a child I "used to" go swimming in the lake.

i "am used to" speaking in front of an audience. I am a teacher.
我已經識speaking in front of an audience. 因為我係老師.

In the arm I ___________ at six every morning.
a) used to get up
b) am used to getting up

My grandmonther _________5 miles to go to church.
a) used to walk
b) is used to walking

Anderlecht ________ the best Belgian players. Nowadays, they cannot afford anymore.
a) used to attract
b) is used to attracting

On holida in Finland my wife ____ a sauna every day!
a) used to take
b) is used to taking

Hope this helps...
2007-06-15 8:43 pm
used to 係指你以前做既野
例 : I used to swim every morning when I was young. 我年輕時每朝游水

be used to 係指習慣, 後面要跟 doing sth
例 : I am used to swimming every day . 我習慣每天游水

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