Regarding : Yoki Wong

2007-06-15 1:06 pm
I am a newbie in here
and I've read a lot of post is posting up to Yoki and seek his reply/advise
no offence, may somebody tell me why everyone turn to Yoki?
what's background? and what's his historical performance on those has beed advised on? Or if Yoki comes across this post and if you don't mind to brief me a little... highly appreciated.... Many Thanks :)

回答 (2)

2007-06-15 6:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can review Yoki's page on the following link:
From my limited experience, Yoki is one of the few people who actually analyze a stock using both fundamental and technical analysis extensively. I have seen his analysis of 133 (China Merchant's China Closed-end Fund). Although I was recommended this unit trust prior to reading his notes, I was quite impressed with the level of detail he goes into dissecting the details and recommending the entry and exit poins.
As a former industry practitioner I think he is much more professional than a lot of those TV/Media Financial "stars", and really reached the sophistication of an industry analyst. The only thing that separates him from being a professional is the lack of information (detail management interviews) and insider's knowledge of fund flows (only being found in institutional brokerages).
Hope it helps.
參考: My observations
2007-06-15 7:30 pm
5月 30日 星期三 08:37 更新



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