
2007-06-15 8:17 am


2)那我應該先學drawing or design好


回答 (3)

2007-06-16 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 如你所講,設計與繪畫的理論基本相同,都著重構圖、色彩、對比、重覆、平衡等。但設計除美學(aestheticsc)上要靚外,還要在功能上達至解決問題(functional),如一張海報,它除設計上美觀外,它能有效傳遞訊息給讀者嗎??如果讀者看不明,設計上更美都是不足的!!所以,許多設計師都要在美學/功能上取平衡。相反,純美術是可以很個人的,你可不用理會讀者的需要!!

2. 這是相輔相承的,但 drawing 是 foundation,你可多畫速寫,有助你的觀察!

3. 有學歷當然更有說服力,香港的設計學院,理工設計應是最受認可的了!!但個人的 design sense 最重要!

4. 平面設計:photoshop, adode illustrator, freehand, indesign 常用,其它 field 我不大清楚
2007-06-17 5:34 pm
1. Art not equal Design, But Design is part of Art.
When you design a product you need to make it functional. Design is develop the old idea and create a new item. Art is create something you want, it don't need to be functional. Art is more personal, expression from the artist.
eg. Opera poster
Graphic designer will use poster to give topic/ infromation for people to read, they let people know when, where, opera information etc for people
Fine art Artist use poster to give his expression for the opera. when people read it, they know is about the artist how he think of the opera.. but didn't mean they know any information for it.

2. Drawing > design.. If you can't even know how to draw, It'll make more harder for create, develop, to persent what you want. Up to 99% design are basie on drawing, no drawing = no basic idea or concept.

3. For interview company they care your education n your products. for clients (from company) they will only interest what you design.. of cos if u got a good background or education people/ client can know you more

when I study i learn corel draw.. as well ^^
參考: me n design school
2007-06-15 9:15 am
係咪姐係Graphic Design呀?

2)我應為Drawing----->Design, 但Art比Design更有自由度。
3)唔係, 因為你唔係Design比自己。幾好ge design客人唔like都冇用
4)Garaphic design唔係淨用電腦,要識咩program就唔太清楚。

我本來都想讀Graphic/Industral Design,
讀左一年之後,去左讀Art and Craft.
Digital art/ Multimedia 都係用電腦, 都有得諗。

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