
2007-06-15 7:34 am
1)你可以留低口信 2)我叫她/他覆返你
3)請問你找邊個 4)她/他返緊黎
5)她/他岩岩出左去 6)你遲d再打過黎
7)她/他開緊會 8)她/他出左去食午餐
9)她/他今日休息 10)請問你是否將你既資料放上網
11)請你過黎填呢張表格 12)點解你唔做呢份工

回答 (3)

2007-06-15 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) You could leave a message.

2) I will ask him/her to call you back.

3) May I ask who you are looking for?

4) He/she is coming back.

5) He/she just went out.

6) Please call back later.

7) He/she is at a meeting.

8) He/she is out for lunch.

9) He/she is on leave today.

10) Would like to put your information on the Internet? (不太明白原文含意)

11) Please fill in this form.

12) Why did you quit this job?
2007-06-15 7:48 am
1)You can give the message to me
2)I call her/him to repeat you
3)Who do you want to call?
4)She/He is coming back
5)She/He went out before
6)You call again later
8)She/He goes to have lunch
9)She/He has a holiday today
11)Please come here to write this form
12)Why don't you do this job?

參考: 我自己
2007-06-15 7:46 am
1) You may leave a message.
2) I will tell her / him to call you again.
3) Who you want to find?
4) She / He is on her / his home.
5) She / He has just gone out.
6) May you call back after a while.
7) She / He is having a meeting now.
8) She / He is having her / his lunch outside now.
9) She / He is off today.
10) Do you put these information in the Internet.
11) May you come here and complete the form.
12) Why do you leave the company that you have had?
參考: Me

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