
2007-06-15 7:24 am
1) 我想問練邊組肌肉可以提高射波既穩定性?

2) NBA d球員射既波係咪都係高拋物線?

回答 (2)

2007-06-17 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.First u have to add your 跳躍 skills then u have to only use your 腳尖 to move up and down about for 1 mins then have a rest tmr also....
2.a lot of nba 球員在shoot 罰球 will shoot lower and they shoot three points will shoot highest ball and the two points will shoot both of them.
參考: I look the NBA
2007-06-15 8:46 am
1) 我個人認為射波既穩定性與肌肉無關...如果你想提高佢ge話,,最重要係射球姿勢正確,,同埋注意發力果隻手唔好「起角」。
2) 我印象中好似有幾明NBA球員都唔係用高拋物線射波的...不過係邊幾個就唔記得了,,因為我近排掛住讀書,,都好耐冇睇NBA啦...

2007-06-30 01:50:04 補充:
參考: 自己

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