
2007-06-15 4:45 am
1.怎樣分Simple Present Tense,Simple future Tense,Present continuous Tense?

2.那裡有Simple Present Tense,Simple future Tense,Present continuous Tense的練習?

3.還有有什麼字眼可分Simple Present Tense,Simple future Tense,Present continuous Tense

Simple future Tense係有 ''be going to'' or ''will''

回答 (1)

2007-06-16 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 怎樣分Simple Present Tense,Simple future Tense,Present continuous Tense?

simple present tense 係用黎講一d日常都會發生既事, 如一d習慣, 嗜好, 常識之類
He goes to school everyday
The sun rises every morning
It is cold in the winter
She plays tennis very well.

Simple future 就係講d未來野啦,有will, going to, shall 之類, 比較易
will 同 going to就比較肯定, shall就冇咁肯定,有時may,might, could果d都可以做future tense架
He is going to the bar tonight
I will attend guitar lesson next Monday
Shall we have dinner in the restaurant this weekend?
It might rain tomorrow.

Present Continuous 係現在進行, 即係宜家發生緊既事先用
I am going to school now.
He is watch television.
She is doing her homework now.

2 那裡有Simple Present Tense,Simple future Tense,Present continuous Tense的練習?

3 還有有什麼字眼可分Simple Present Tense,Simple future Tense,Present continuous Tense

present tense: always, everyday, every xxx, each xxx, sometimes, usually, often, seldom, basically any word that describe how frequent you do something

future: any word describing a future moment, tomorrow, next week, next Sunday, next month, tonight

present continuous: now, or 係對話裡面都好常用
參考: myself, I live in US

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