海水,淡水,湖水 邊一個介質可以行得較遠?

2007-06-15 3:49 am
海水,淡水,湖水表面 用同一個力量推左一下
係邊一介質入面,可以行得最遠 and 最快 ??

海水有鹽 密度高左,艇同水ge 接觸少左,摩擦減少
淡水 密度較底,艇同水ge 接觸多左,摩擦增加
湖水 有礦物質,但含量較海水少,摩擦力2 者之間


回答 (2)

2007-06-19 1:12 am
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這個阻力(可以稱為 friction, resistance, drag force 等)是取決於船的速度,船浸在水中的形狀,水的黏度(viscosity)等。

海水密度比淡水高約 3% ,所以船在海水中會浮得高一些,當船在海面上前行,它浸在海中的橫切面面積會少一些,阻力(或叫摩擦等等)會少一些(若水的黏度一樣)。


再者 F = bv 只是在低速時大概正確,但是高速時黏度的重要性會降低,b 也不是一個常數,它也取決於船浸在水中的形狀。


2007-06-15 6:28 pm
For the fluids, the is also viscosity (黏性). You can see the rate of flow in the different in water and oil in daily life. But you neglected it here.

Assume the force to drive the ship to move is constant, F0
The net force add on the ship F=F0-f, f is the fiction force. Since F=ma, if the ships are the same mass.

Let fsea, flake and fwater be the fiction due to the sea, lake and water repectivily.

fsea > flake > fwater

F0 is contant, then a=(F0-f)/m, asea < alake < awater,
since F0-fsea

2007-06-15 10:30:31 補充:
since F0-fsea < F0-flake < F0-fwater,and v=at, then vsea

2007-06-16 12:21:09 補充:
Yes, I meanthe ship's situation are the same in 3 cases.

2007-06-16 12:22:28 補充:
You just need to know the method and make your own assumptions. My assumptions may be wrong, but the method can be apply to any cases.

2007-06-18 10:07:07 補充:
As I neglect viscosity here, in the real case, your speed is fixed due to viscosity, as by follow:

2007-06-18 10:07:24 補充:
Force on your ship = F - viscosity = F - bv, where b is a constant, depend on your ship's sharp and the viscosity of the fluid (may or may not be water), where F is the force output by your ship's engine.

2007-06-18 10:07:47 補充:
If your speed is high, bv is also large, then you will attend the max. speed vmax when F - bv = 0, v=F/b.

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