[急] F.4 english writing..

2007-06-15 3:38 am

"letter to EDITOR",,開頭應該寫
Dear editor,
In my view of .... **I am writing to express my concern about...**

系"1-sided argumentative essay"
就應該系第1段introduce topice,,跟住話
In my view of .....我既立場,,

如果將editor同argumentative group埋1齊`

回答 (1)

2007-06-15 3:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先, 雖然考試局話Dear editor而家開始接受, 但如果正式應該係Dear Sir/Madam,
一開頭寫I am writing to express my concern about .... 就最好架喇, 唔駛In my view of先住...因為應該一開始propose你發信原因-->express my concern about...

如果係用信寫1-sided...開頭可以先寫letter的objective先啦, 然後就係提出背景(可略)+自己立場既

例 : "Beauty and intelligence are always the most desired elements, which one do you think is the most important? Write a letter to the editor to express your viewpoint.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing express my opinion on whether beauty or intelligence is the most essential element. As a saying said, "Beauty is only skin deep." No matter how beauty you are, it cannot help you much in your life. Instead, intelligence is of vital importance to us.
參考: F.4, F.5 Writing Notes , Writing Guides from some reference books , Personal experience

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