想 Lock 左個 Xange , Thanks !

2007-06-15 2:55 am
因暫時唔想任何人到訪 , 所以要lock左去 , 我個xanga要 sign in 先可以入去 , 而家set 埋 Friend Lock , 而friend list我係無填任何人落去 , 咁重夠唔夠安全 ?
多謝各位 !

close xanga ? 會唔會開唔番嫁 , 我唔識點做 !

回答 (3)

2007-06-18 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Xanga Lock: Allow only signed in Xangans to view my site選yes

2.用Friends Lock
開左friends lock,如果唔係該xanga user既friend或者未登入就會見到以下畫面(未登入時見到的畫面)(登入後但不是Friend的畫面)


登入後選your friends (按此觀看)


如果你仲未add人地做朋友,click" here" (按此觀看)

打要set做朋友既user id,按send invite (按此觀看)

搞掂之後就會見到 invites have been sent(已寄出邀請) (按此觀看)

declide=>拒絕 (按此觀看)

咁究竟點樣enable friends lock呢?
入去account info, privacy度 (按此觀看)
friends lock果一格揀yes就可以 :) [friends lock要同xanga一齊用] close xanga會唔會開唔番嫁?會!!!~等同於shut down一樣close左個xanga就無架喇三思而後行呀~~~
2007-06-15 3:40 am
呢個article有提到"allowing a user to lock out everyone who is not on his/her friends list."
係的確好safe ga...因為我吾用xanga個陣都試過///

"On October 20, 2006, Xanga launched Friends Lock. This feature is similar to Xanga lock, however it provides even more privacy by allowing a user to lock out everyone who is not on his/her friends list. This feature is very similar to protected posting in many ways However, unlike protected posting, a user can have as many friends as he/she wants without having to purchase Xanga Premium. Furthermore, a user can have friends that may or may not be on their Protected Post list." - quoted from wikipedia.
2007-06-15 2:58 am
i tihnk it is safe enough,,
if u really want to lock your xanga and don't want anybody to come,,
then why you don't rather close your xanga??
only a suggestion~
參考: my self~

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