
2007-06-15 2:48 am
what is Electricity?

回答 (5)

2007-06-15 2:57 am
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Electricity (from ήλεκτρον [electron], "amber") is a general term for the variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge. Together with magnetism, it constitutes the fundamental interaction known as electromagnetism. It includes many well-known physical phenomena such as lightning, electromagnetic fields and electric currents, and is put to use in industrial applications such as electronics and electric power.

In casual usage, the term electricity is applied to several related concepts that are better identified by more precise terms:

Electric potential - the capacity of an electric field to do work, typically measured in volts (V).
Electric current - a movement or flow of electrically charged particles, typically measured in amperes (A).
Electric field - an effect produced by an electric charge that exerts a force on charged objects in its vicinity.
Electrical energy - the energy made available by the flow of electric charge through an electrical conductor.
Electric power - the rate at which electric energy is converted to or from another energy form, such as light, heat, or mechanical energy.
Electric charge - a connection conserved property of some subatomic particles, which determines their electromagnetic interactions. Electrically charged matter is influenced by, and produces, electromagnetic fields.

Static electricity produced by rubbing objects against fur was known to the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians, Parthians and Mesopotamians. The Parthians and Mesopotamians may have had some knowledge of electroplating, based on the discovery of the Baghdad Battery, which resembles a Galvanic cell.

Benjamin Franklin conducted extensive research in electricity. He had theories on the relationship between lightning and static electricity, including his famous kite-flying experiment,which was a key attached to a wet string and kite. During a lightning storm a small spark struck his finger showing that lightning is electricity. It sparked the interest of later scientists whose work provided the basis for modern electrical technology. Most notably these include Luigi Galvani (1737–1798), Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), Michael Faraday (1791–1867), André-Marie Ampère (1775–1836), and Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854). The late 19th and early 20th century produced such giants of electrical engineering as Nikola Tesla, Antonio Meucci, Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, Werner von Siemens, Charles Steinmetz, Alexander Graham Bell and William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin.

Electrical phenomena in nature
Matter: — since atoms and molecules are held together by electric forces.
Lightning: electrical discharges in the atmosphere.
The Earth's magnetic field — created by electric currents circulating in the planet's core.
Sometimes due to solar flares, a phenomenon known as a power surge can be created.
Piezoelectricity: the ability of certain crystals to generate a voltage in response to applied mechanical stress.
Triboelectricity: electric charge taken on by contact or friction between two different materials.
Bioelectromagnetism: electrical phenomena within living organisms.
Bioelectricity — Many animals are sensitive to electric fields, some (e.g., sharks) more than others (e.g., people). Most also generate their own electric fields.
Gymnotiformes, such as the electric eel, deliberately generate strong fields to detect or stun their prey.
Neurons in the nervous system transmit information by electrical impulses known as action potentials.
2007-06-15 3:22 am
Electricity 電力是能量的一種。

電能, 光能, 聲能, 化學能, 風能都是能量。能量只能由一種能量轉變為另一種能量, 而不能被創造或消滅。

我們日常用的電力是由燃燒石油和煤而產生的, 其中的能量轉換就是由石油和煤的化學能經過燃燒的過程轉換為電力。我們再利用電力這種能量去進行日常的活動, 例如一電視機就把電能轉換為光能、聲能和熱能。
2007-06-15 2:54 am

Electricity is a general term for the variety of phenomena resulting from the presence and flow of electric charge. Together with magnetism, it constitutes the fundamental interaction known as electromagnetism. It includes many well-known physical phenomena such as lightning, electromagnetic fields and electric currents, and is put to use in industrial applications such as electronics and electric power.
2007-06-15 2:52 am
electricity 標示解釋


KK: []
DJ: []

1. 電;電流;電力
2. 電學
3. 極度的興奮;激情
You can feel the electricity in the crowd.
2007-06-15 2:52 am
參考: 自己

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