wii版寵物小精靈點先可以得到新的小精靈 ?

2007-06-15 1:58 am
我玩黎玩去(過左 4 個場地)都係佢一開始比我個 6 隻,
有咩方法可以得到新的小精靈 ??
而 d 小精靈個 Lv. 成日都係 50, 點先可以升 Lv. ??
點先可以整到 d 小精靈進化變身 ??
(留意:我得 Wii, 無 NDS 的)

回答 (1)

2007-06-15 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because you don't have a NDS, you pokemon are rental pokemons. That mean that your pokemons are 'borrowed' from the game itself. They don't belong to you.
If you have a DS, you can use your pokemon from your Pearl or Diamond cartidges. Since you only 'use' the pkmn in Pokemon Battle Revelation, they are still in your cartidge, you can't evolve them, so as the rental pokemon.
Remember, nothing in the PBR world is yours.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:14:54
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