
2007-06-15 12:23 am
1.There isn't _________water in the swimming pool in winter.
2.There aren't_______ people in the street after midnight.
3.people 是不是uncountable noun??
4.water 是不是uncountable noun??

回答 (2)

2007-06-15 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. any
2. any
3. 是uncountable noun
4. 是uncountable noun

無論是uncountable or countable
(isn't aren't)

2007-06-14 16:37:59 補充:
We use some when we are not sure about the amount or when we do not want to say the exact amount.我地用'some':-當我地唔肯定個數量有幾多There is some ketchup in the fridge.D ketchup..我地唔知個數量有幾多(ketchup係uncountable)-我地唔想講出個真實數字There are some apples in the shops.我地可以數下有幾多個蘋果但係我地唔想..所以用some

2007-06-14 16:46:32 補充:
Sorry..people*不是*uncountableThe word "people" is countable AND plural.(眾數)"There are 18 people visiting at the moment."If there is only one, then you should say "person". "Curleyes is the person who asked this question."
2007-06-15 12:33 am
There isn't ___ANY______water in the swimming pool in winter.
2.There aren't__ANY_____ people in the street after midnight.
3.people 是不是uncountable noun??
No, it is a countable noun. e.g. two people, three people, (but one person)
4.water 是不是uncountable noun??
Yes. You can only describe water in terms of some units eg. a cup of water, a bottle of water.

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