
2007-06-14 10:34 pm
now that i am older , i believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people ,even though i still don;t know precisely what a "good heart ' is. but i know the times i don't have one myself
-time is of no account with great thoughts,which are fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds,ages ago
-the book is a living voice.it is an intellect to which one still listens.
1which=good heart =it?

2as when 為何能連繫一起
3which =voice?

thus the best books are treasuries of good words,which, remembered and cherished,become our companions 4which為何有2逗號 the trouble is that,like most people ,i compare my prosperity with that of living persons 5that of ??

回答 (3)

2007-06-15 12:01 am
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1. which,good heart 同 it 來自三句野喎,不如同你睇佢地分別係乜野啦:
which:凡係幾到句子中有一個 which / that ,之後又有成句野,呢個 which/that 其實係一個 relative clause o既開端,佢地所指o既名詞就係佢地前面o個個。有時 relative clause 會以preposition 收尾,而好多人覺得咁樣醜樣甚至係錯,所以將 preposition 移到 which/that 之前,因此成日見到 with which / by which / to which / in which 等組合。
所以 which = a proper standard
(其實答埋 3.) it (第三句) = 其實係一個虛詞,好似 it is important to do something 中o既 it 一樣。唔咁樣寫,可以寫為 One still listens to an intellect. 原句依家係將呢兩句 join 埋:It is an intellect. One still listens to an intellect. which 係代替左第二句個 an intellect,插入第一句個 intellect 之後,再將 to 搬到 which 前。
2. (great thoughts) are fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds,ages ago
which = great thoughts 你依家應該睇得明啦,as when 其實應該拆開睇,when they first passed through their author's minds 係一個時間,as = 同...一樣,即不同時間都一樣,歷久常新
4. 其實應該係 which become our companions,remembered and cherished 只係後加上去補充意思(只要記得和珍惜),所以用 commas 分隔開。其實可以加o係後面(尤其係說話時),但白紙黑字時往往會有呢d複雜左o既結構出現,因為你可以有多d時間諗。
5. 睇完上面,應該都搞得第呢句啦:
my prosperity with that of living persons = my prosperity with the prosperity of living persons

2007-06-15 12:16 am
1) which does not equal good heart. "Which" is describing the sentence "now that i am older , i believe that is a proper standard "
i am not sure where the "it" is...

2) as when means the time... it is describing the "today" action.

3) which does not equal voice. it is describing the "intellect".
2007-06-14 11:53 pm
This passage has a lot of grammer mistake.Of course there should be no comma behind the relative clause "which".
參考: Longman Grammer Dictionary

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