
2007-06-14 8:36 pm
有份工作要我簽半年合約,請問若我在合約期內離職,那我是否屬於毀約?? 如果該公司要我按勞工署的法例賠償,我要賠多少錢? 要坐監嗎?? 可否說出該條法例? 謝謝各位!

回答 (4)

2007-06-14 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案


參考: 自己+勞工處
2007-06-14 8:49 pm
It depends on the contract.
In some special condition, you can leave this company without great compensation
You may upload your contract.
In any situation, you no need to go jud.
2007-06-14 8:41 pm
Please read if your contract has remarked the termination of contract clause. It will usually remark the notice period even in a contract. So it may not necessary to pay the compensation if the clause in the contract has remark.
2007-06-14 8:40 pm
It depends on the contract that u sign.
But I don't think this could put u in to jail... and usually u will ask for 1 month salray from your company

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