
2007-06-14 4:36 am
你好 !我叫做xxx,咁我岩岩中五畢業啦,因為我自己冇也工作經驗,咁所以我自己係出邊既機構到報讀左一d課程,希望可以進修一下自己,咁我自己準備去學日文,因為我自己對日文都幾有興趣嫁、而且我知道機場大使呢份工作係可能需要接觸唔同國籍既遊客,咁所以識得多種既語言,對於我日後既工作好有幫助,咁所以去報左課程讀,另外咁我自己既性格都比較開朗、積極嫁,會好勇於嘗試每一樣野,接受一d新既挑戰,好似係05年新年既時候,我有機會可以嘗試同埋一班同學一齊搞年宵攤位咁,個次真係一個幾好既經驗,同埋我個人好鍾意講野嫁,係學校到參加過好多既辨論比賽,司儀,我仲係代表學校英文獨誦既校隊之一,同埋我都係學校既推廣大使黎既,負責推廣學校,好似去年係荃灣大會堂舉辦既小六升中一既簡介會咁,每間學校都會派一d學生黎為小六生推廣自己既學校,我都係代表學校既其中之一個學生, 所以對於呢個機場大使既工作非常之有興趣,我相信我自己可以勝任呢份工作,好希望可以成為其中既一份子。

回答 (2)

2007-06-14 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Translation according to my knowledge:
How are you? My name is XXX. I have just graduated (畢業) in YYY Secondary School. Since I have no working experience at all, I have enrolled (報名) certain courses so as to make some improvement (改進). I am going to take the course of Japanese as I am interested in this language. Moreover (而且), the job of Airport Ambassador (大使) needs to communicate (溝通) with tourists of different nationalities (國籍). Hence (因此), it is helpful if I have good command of various languages.
I am a cheerful, positive & energetic (進取) person. I am keen on (喜愛/熱心) making attempt (嘗試). I like taking challenges (挑戰). For instance (例如), my classmates & I have handled a booth (攤位) in 2005 Lunar New Year. Besides making profit (利潤), this can gain (增加) horizons (眼界) & experiences in my life.
In addition (再者), I am rather (頗) talkative (健談). I have participated (參加) lots of debate competition (辯論比賽) and emcee (司儀) works in the school. I have represented (代表) my school to take part in the English solo (單獨的) recitation (朗誦) contest (比賽). I have also acted as the promotion (推廣) ambassador (大使) for the school so as to propagandize (宣傳) our school, just like the briefing (簡介會) in Tsuen Wan Hall last year regarding (關於) those being upgraded as Form 1 students matter. I have been the representative (代表人物) of the school so that I have the honour (榮幸) to present (演譯) for my school.
Therefore (所以), my character (性格) is particularly (尢其) suitable to the job of Airport Ambassador. I believe that I am very competent (勝任) for the works. I do (真的) hope to join & to serve (服務) for the HK Airport Authority (機構).

2007-06-13 21:38:53 補充:
If u need to make a speech (演講) before the interviewer (面試官), u can check the pronounciation in 【Dr. Eye】:http://www.dreye.com/tw/index.php真人發聲, very distinct (清晰) !

2007-06-25 22:59:16 補充:
Other replier Zen has a frank character. Cute!
Hi!my name is XXX. I'm graduate of F.5 .Due to i don't have any working experience, I have joined some Japanese courses that for teenager's .I am interested in Japanese and I know to be an airport ambassador need someone that can speak and chat with international travelers. Learning different kinds of language can help my future.
I have a enthusiastic and sanguine of character. I always challenge myself,
for example,my friends and I have set a stall at the New Year Day of 2005,.
That was an valuable experience. Because of i am talkative , I was invited by my school to join debates , emcee, I am also a delegate of my school's recite-team and the ambassador of popularizing my school to Pr.6 students.
I believe I can do this well and hope to be a member of this XXX Association.

2007-06-13 22:13:01 補充:
sorryi am just a Pr.6 student .Some vocabularies will use wrongly
參考: me

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