lcci lv2 考試範圍

2007-06-14 3:13 am
joint venture account
redemption shares and debentures

回答 (1)

2007-06-15 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
joint venture account
redemption shares and debentures
Level 2係唔考,但係level 3會考

LCCI Level 2
Ledgers and Final Accounts
Depreciation /Disposal of fixed assets
Bad Debts / Bad Debts Recovered
Provision for bad debts / Stock Valuation
Manufacturing Account / Non-trading Organisation
Control Accounts
Bills of Exchange / Consignment Accounts
Incomplete Records
Correction of errors & Suspense Accounts
Branch Accounts
Accounting Ratios
-Capital Accounts & Current Accounts
-Preparation of Final Accounts
-Admission and Retirement of Partners
-Goodwill / Revaluation / Dissolution
Limited Liability Companies
-Issue of Shares and Debentures
-Preparation of Final Accounts / Published Accounts

LCCI Level 3
- Capital Account & Current Account
- Preparation of Final Accounts
- Admission and Retirement of Parnters
- Goodwill / Revaluation
- Dissolution
Joint Venture Accounts
Branch Accounts
Investment Account
Accounting Ratios
Limited Liability Companies
- Issue of Shares and Debentures
- Redemption of Prefences Shares & Purchase of Ordinary Shares
- Preparation of Final Accounts
- Published Accounts
- Acquisition of Sole Trader or Parntership Business
- Distributable Profits
Group Accounts
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
Statment of Standard Accounting Practice
- Accounting Policies
- Stock and Long-term Contracts
- Tangible Fixed Assets
Cash Flows Statments
Financial Budgeting
- Cash Budgeting

可以肯定,journal , cash book都會考

會計學原理 2007 2008 2009 Principles of Accounts 2007 2008 2009

2007-06-17 21:32:33 補充:
incomplete record同 Errors not affecting trial balance agreement係同一課,有關,入錯數,即dr 入咗cr,入expenses去咗assets那個入咗一邊,一邊冇用之後先出現suspense account 這三個都同一科

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:04:24
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