
2007-06-14 2:48 am






(2):http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007061303424 (3):http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007061303432 (4):http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007061303459 (5):http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007061303473 一共100點



回答 (2)

2007-06-16 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Li Ka Shing --The number one rich person in Hong Kong
The name of Li Ka Shing is well known to everbody in Hong Kong. His name is now on the hall of fames especially after his endeavor in promoting the global business of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampao Group by making them as International Giants. Not only he is elected as the most influential characters in Asia by international magazines, but also deserved the recognition as the richest Chinese in the world in recent months

A reporter revealed Li's key to success of his commercial kingdom during the interview that“It was my dilligence, thriftiness, will power. I am willing to learn and establish a good interpersonal relationship.”Just a few words, but a reflection of his emperical abilities duirng the adverse circumstances at his young age.
Li Ka Shing was born in Swatou. He was a junior at the high school in 1938. One year later, he escaped to Hong Kong with his father for survival during the Pacific War.
看來不過是三言兩語 (是本老自己更改原文,比較有中文文法的味道)
Swatou 是潮州原來的英文叫法,現改為拼音叫法。

2007-06-15 23:40:08 補充:
參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners
2007-06-14 3:11 am
Hong Kong richest family Li Joachim

Li Joachim’s name believed cannot have the Hong Kong person to feel strange, especially spreads the world in these year his service development, causes the Yangtze River industry and the international enterprise which becomes with the yellow group is worthy of the name, Li Joachim’s name is resounding. Not only he is elected repeatedly by the international magazine for the entire Asian most influential characters, on a yet higher goal became the global Chinese people richest family in recent months. Said he is the global outstanding Chinese people is naturally deserves

Some reporters visit him to establish the commercial kingdom the successful secret. He said that,” Because I am diligent, I am thrifty, have the will. I am willing to seek knowledge, to establish a good interpersonal relationship.” But three these two languages, when these abilities all are actually from him young experiences the adverse circumstance hammers come out.
Li Joachim is born in Chaozhou.In 1938, he is reading the junior middle school, but in order to flee the flames of war, after a year, he is coming the port with the daddy to make a living.

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