Burning DVD-RW

2007-06-14 2:39 am
I found that when I burnt new data on it, the old data was replaced by the new data.

I do not know whether this is the nature of DVD-RW.

Please advise how to add all data in it by multiple times without deleting the previous one until the space is full.

I used Burn4Free to burn.

Is there any other soft ware which can comply with my requirement.

Chinese reply is appreciated for I do not know Chinese typing

回答 (2)

2007-06-14 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I use Nero and have the same problem. Writing multi-section seems like not working so well. The first section might be completely lost after you write the second section.
The best solution is copy everying in your first section back into your hard disk, then add new data to it, erase the DVD-RW and write new data back into it, then complete the DVD.
This will garantee you won't lost anything on the first section and everytime you need to do the same thing when you need to add data to the DVD collection.
2007-06-14 6:44 am
before opening Nero or Burn4Free, insert your previous burn DVD or CD into your burner,then double click Nero or Burn4Free, the software will automatically
retrieve the previous data you burt, after that,drag and drop new data and go forward
burning.....look carefully the step, one by one....

2007-06-14 00:05:24 補充:
you may retrieve your previous burn data by putting your data DVD into the DVD rom and double click on it and select OPEN,then you will see all data that you have burnt,then re-burn again as the step advised, then you will get a brand new and updatedata DVD

2007-06-14 00:50:09 補充:
not "double click on it and select OPEN but RIGHT CLICK on it to select OPEN..."sorry for miswritten

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