
2007-06-14 2:05 am
要極詳細噶. 最好有介紹同埋作好晒成扁文


回答 (5)

2007-06-14 2:25 am
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海倫·亞當斯·凱勒(Helen Adams Keller,1880年6月27日—1968年6月1日),美國殘障教育家。她幼年因意外疾病而引致失明及失聰。後來籍著她的導師安·沙利文(Anne Sullivan)的努力,使她學會說話,並開始和其他人溝通並接受教育。她畢業於哈佛大學。





Helen Keller was born at an estate called Ivy Green in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on June 27, 1880, to parents Captain Arthur H. Keller, a former officer of the Confederate Army, and Kate Adams Keller, cousin of Robert E. Lee. The Keller family originates from Germany. She was not born blind and deaf; it was not until nineteen months of age that she came down with an illness described by doctors as "an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain," which could have possibly been scarlet fever or meningitis. The illness did not last for a particularly long time, but it left her deaf and blind.
In 1886, her mother Kate Keller was inspired by an account in Charles Dickens' American Notes of the successful education of another deaf blind child, Laura Bridgman, and traveled to a specialist doctor in Baltimore for advice. He put her in touch with local expert Alexander Graham Bell, who was working with deaf children at the time. Bell advised the couple to contact the Perkins Institute for the Blind, the school where Bridgman had been educated, which was then located in South Boston, Boston, Massachusetts. The school delegated teacher and former student, Anne Sullivan, herself visually impaired and then only 20 years old, to become Keller's teacher. It was the beginning of a 49-year-long relationship.

Sullivan got permission from Keller's father to isolate the girl from the rest of the family in a little house in their garden. Her first task was to instill discipline in the spoiled girl. Helen's big breakthrough in communication came one day when she realized that the motions her teacher was making on her palm, while running cool water over her palm from a pump, symbolized the idea of "water;" she then nearly exhausted Sullivan demanding the names of all the other familiar objects in her world (including her prized doll). In 1890, ten-year-old Helen Keller was introduced to the story of Ragnhild Kåta - a deaf blind Norwegian girl who had learned to speak. Ragnhild Kåta's success inspired Helen — she wanted to learn to speak as well. Anne was able to teach Helen to speak using the Tadoma method (touching the lips and throat of others as they speak) combined with "fingerspelling" alphabetical characters on the palm of Helen's hand. Later, Keller would also learn to read English, French, German, Greek, and Latin in Braille.

Keller's pre-teenaged years were marred by allegations that her story, The Frost King (written in 1891) had been plagiarized from The Frost Fairies by Margaret Canby. An investigation into the matter revealed that Helen may have suffered from cryptomnesia, having once had Canby's story read to her, only to forget about it, although the memory had remained hidden in her subconscious[citation needed]. She found having her honesty questioned difficult to bear and came close to giving up writing altogether for fear of making the same mistake again.
2007-06-15 1:39 am
Twins 好靚女又有錢
2007-06-14 4:04 am





Li Jia cheng Li Jia cheng's name believed cannot have the Hong Kong person to feel strange, especially spreads the world in these years his service development, causes the Yangtze River industry and the international enterprise which becomes with the yellow group is worthy of the name, Li Jiacheng's name is resounding. He not only is repeatedly elected by the international magazine the character which most has for the entire Asia the influence, on a yet higher goal became the global Chinese people richest family in recent months. Said he is the global outstanding Chinese people naturally is deserves. Has reporter to visit him to establish the commercial kingdom the successful secret. He said that, "Because I diligent, I am thrifty, have the will. I am willing to seek knowledge, to establish a good interpersonal relationship." But three these two languages, the adverse circumstance which when actually these abilities all are is young from him experiences exercise. Li Jiacheng is born to Chaozhou. In 1938, he was reading the junior middle school, but in order to run away to the flames of war, after a year, he was coming the port with the daddy to make a living. Receives the father is intellectual's influence, Li Jiacheng from slightly likes reading. Even if comes to Hong Kong's, he still persisted the part time worker reads. He recollects said that, "Others study, I must snatch the knowledge."
2007-06-14 2:12 am
郭富城(1965年10月26日—)是一名著名香港藝人, 英文名Aaron Kwok, 又叫「城仔」、「城城」、「阿王」,出生於香港,籍貫廣東東莞。成名之前為一名普通的Dancer,憑臺灣光 陽機車(HONDA)廣告被大家熟知,之後更被劉瑋慈發掘出了第1張唱片《對你愛不完》深受歡迎,隨即又推出了個人2張國語專集《我是不是該安靜的走 開》、《到底有誰能告訴我》之後回到香港發展。 自在港推出精選輯《請把我的情感帶回家》勇奪四白金銷量後,以迷人的舞姿、俊俏的形象及健碩的身型,被封為四大天王之一。之後更是得到了亞洲舞王的美譽。1995年在香港音樂人雷頌德、譚國政及經理人小美的幫助下,發掘其嫻熟的舞技加上別有特色的聲線,使其成功轉型為實力派歌手。隨後簽約百事可樂,成為百事代言人。進一步鞏固了華語樂壇王者地位。2005年,郭結束了和百事可樂8年的代言人關係,但跟百事可樂關係仍然良好。

2007-06-13 18:14:34 補充:
愛迪生 話說佢細個俾人叫「傻瓜」就算係發生電燈膽既時候, 佢都經歷過無數既失敗[我記得佢做過過萬次既實驗都冇未成功」但係佢唔放棄, 又有毅力, 經過不繼嘗試之後..最後都係發明左電燈膽佢不屈不撓既性格, 可以係你既啟示:只要能夠面對生敗, 從失敗中汲取經驗...最後都可以獲得成功..中國都有句名言叫「失敗是成功之母」啦!!

2007-06-13 18:16:28 補充:
愛迪生 (Thomas Alva Edison) 1847 年生於美國俄亥俄州。他一生中的發明超過二千多種。他不但成為近代物理史上一位相當傑出的科學家,更被譽為世界上最偉大的發明家。 愛迪生一生卓越的成就並非僥倖,而是他百折不撓、勇於嘗試、敢於創新的成果。由於家境貧困,愛迪生只受過三個月的小學教育,十二歲就開始在火車上工作。雖然如此,他仍然努力不懈,刻苦自學。他在少年時代已對自然科學產生了濃厚的興趣,不但掌握了豐富的電學、化學等知識,還喜歡在車上和家裡進行一些「小實驗」。

2007-06-13 18:16:47 補充:
1863 年,他在一家鐵路公司當服務員,他的發明生涯也從此開始。隨著他的發明一個個地誕生,他的名子開始為人熟悉,生活也逐漸富裕起來。 1873 年愛迪生製造出雙工式發報機,翌年又製造了四工式發報機。1876 年,他在門洛帕克建立了美國第一個工業研究實驗室,也就是「愛迪生發明工廠」。在往後的兩年,他發明了留聲機,轟動了全世界,使他獲得法國爵士的銜頭。

2007-06-13 18:17:02 補充:
愛迪生一生中最大的貢獻,就是發明了電燈。他做了 1600 多次耐熱材料和 600 多種植物纖維的實驗,才製造出第一個燈泡。後來他更在這基礎上不斷改良製造的方法。為了推廣電燈的使用,他研究出並聯電路、保險絲、絕緣物質、銅線網路等電器系統的各種附加設備;又製造了電壓穩定的發電機和經濟配電的三線掣。1882 年他在紐約建立了一個電力網。雖然他使用直流電 的輸電方法限制了傳送電力的距離,但這項偉大的貢獻,已大大改善了人類的生活。

2007-06-13 18:17:10 補充:
1883 年愛迪生發現熱電子發射現象,為電子管的面世奠定了基礎。1887 年,他在西奧倫治建立了更大的實驗室。在那裡他的發明更是多不勝數,其中較重大的有 1888 年的電影攝錄機;1896 年的電影放映機和鎳鐵電池。他接二連三的發明,使他在1928 年獲得了國會金質特別獎。 1931年,愛迪生在西奧倫治與世長辭,享年 84 歲。

2007-06-13 18:19:15 補充:
Wentworth Miller, the actor of Prison Break. With Wentworth's appearance, you may not believe that Wentworth is 34 years old. He was born in the United Kingdom, raised in Brooklyn and New York. ...
2007-06-14 2:11 am

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