有關parallel circuit嘅問題...

2007-06-14 1:42 am
Q: In a parallel circuit, there are 3 terminals and each terminal has 1 light bulb. If the light bulb in the first terminal is broken, will the light bulbs in the 2nd and 3rd terminal light up?
如果會, 咁唔係D electrons全部會走去無resistance的light bulb(即係light bulb in 1st terminal)到咩? 咁呢個係唔係short cut??

回答 (2)

2007-06-14 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
light bulbs in the 2nd and 3rd terminal will still light up!!
the first terminal is broken, it means there isn't a complete circuit, 好似無左條電線咁,
咁何來D electrons會去the light bulb in the first terminal 呢?!

在上述情況,要出現short circuit,那 light bulb in first terminal 要轉為一條wire!
咁一條wire相比個2個light bulbs, resistance 細好多,所以current flows through the wire ,instead of the two light bulbs!
參考: myself
2007-06-18 12:06 am
係會着嘅。D electrons會走去小D resistance嘅light bulb嗰度,呢個想法係啱嘅,但係當個light bulb壞左,即係等於break左個circuit,變左一個open-circuit,而唔係變左冇resistance,但由於2nd同3rd terminal仲未壞,所以嗰兩個light bulb仲可以着。

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