xanga 個Footprints一問~

2007-06-14 1:22 am
xanga Footprints個Visitor成日都有個District of Columbia~個個係咩黎~

回答 (1)

2007-06-14 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
綜合黎講 ~~~
1. 你 Xanga 開左 可以比人 search , yahoo/Google/類似既搜尋器 搵到人地想要既字/圖 , d人又無 login , 就會咁樣
2. 人地無 login, xanga check 唔到人地原本個 xanga ID , 所以又會咁
3. 人地用 RSS 黎睇你個 xanga << 不過呢樣睇佢由邊個網頁黎 link 過黎 (xanga 已有既 funtion) , 睇人邊個網頁 link 入黎 , 會睇到 RSS d 字眼 , 呢個可以睇到 ~
暫時知咁多 ~~~

Why do Google.com, Yahoo.com, MSN.com and Bloglines.com keep on visiting my site?

If you're visiting this page, you're probably wondering why Google.com, Yahoo.com, MSN.com, and Bloglines.com are listed as visitors in your Xanga Footprints!

Don't worry, these are not the names of actual people stalking you by visiting every page on your site! These are actually "search robots" (also called "search bots" or just "bots") which try to browse every link on the web. A search bot that visits a webpage will save the HTML of that page for processing by a search engine, so that users of various search engines can find your page with a search.

These search engines will visit your site- and thus appear in your Xanga Footprints - even if you've Locked your site so that people must be signed in to read what you've posted to Xanga. However, if a search engine visits a Xanga site with Xanga Lock enabled, the search engine will only see a short message saying that visitors must be signed in. So the search engine won't actually be able to see the content on your site.

Likewise, if you've set your Xanga to not publish an RSS feed, search engines can still visit that page and see a short bit of text explaining that there's nothing to see. In short, a visit by a search engine to your Xanga RSS feed will be listed in your Xanga Footprints, but your privacy has not been violated.


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