
2007-06-14 1:02 am

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2007-06-14 1:06 am
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Main Entry: glad·i·a·tor
Pronunciation: \ˈgla-dē-ˌā-tər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from gladius sword, of Celtic origin; akin to Welsh cleddyf sword
Date: 15th century
1: a person engaged in a fight to the death as public entertainment for ancient Romans
2: a person engaging in a public fight or controversy
3: a trained fighter; especially : a professional boxer
— glad·i·a·to·ri·al
2007-06-14 1:17 am
( in ancient Rome ) a man trained to fight other men or animals in order to entertain the public
參考: dictionary
2007-06-14 1:07 am
It is a noun. meaning: An armed man who fought against men or wild animals in a publis place to entertain people. Actually it is also the name of a film a few years ago.
2007-06-14 1:05 am
Man Trained to fight with weapons at public shows in an arena

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