咩叫passive voice,同埋幾時先用,點轉(一定要今日)

2007-06-14 12:39 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-14 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
active voice 就係我地最初學o既簡單句子中,做動作o既人(subject)、動作(verb)、接受動作o既/物(object)順序排:
I ate the egg.
passive voice 就係將接受動作o既object作為句子開頭。
即變成 The egg was eaten by me.
1.唔知件事邊個做 e.g. The man is killed!
2.邊個做唔重要/唔講都知 e.g. The fine for smoking has been increased.
3.唔想講邊個做 e.g. Mom, the window has been b roken...
接受動作o既受詞 + (auxiliary verb - have/can/is/should.. .) + be (is/am/are/was/were/ being/been) + past participle
e.g. X has borrowed the book. => The book has been borrowed.
呢句係 present perfect tense,注意雖然有 past participle,呢句冇變 tense(明明同active voice講緊同一件事,tense點會變?)。唔好再諗轉tense啦!

最緊要留意加be呢個部份。be出現係用返be定係其他(is/am/are/was/were/ being/been) ,就睇佢後面o個個動詞。呢句borrowed係past participle,be就用past participle = been。
再一例子,本來係 is doing就變 is being done,is doing係現在進行式,變passive voice後,is being就一樣係現在進行式,本來個doing就乜都唔理轉做過去分詞 done => is being done。搞掂。
2007-06-14 1:02 am
We use Passive sentences when it is not important to mention who the doer of the action is.
eg:People destroy the rainforest=Active

The rainforest is destroyed=Passive
參考: Me

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