Reading English newspaper problem

2007-06-14 12:25 am
When i read an article on the newspaper,I check up every word which I dunno and I read it word by word.I need to consume more time than the others to complete reading a newspaper.How can I improvie it?Someone tell me not to check uo every word but just know what the passage tell you but I just think that I can't learn new vocab if I dun check up the meaning of the word.Also,what if I guess the meaning of the vocab wrong?then I will use the new vocab wrongly next time.I am so confusing

回答 (4)

2007-06-14 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is fine for you to look up the meaning of a word the first time when you come across it, but once you have seen a word, you should no longer rely on the dictionary. Recall from memory the meaning of the word, and if you cannot, try reading the sentence a few more times to see if you can remember the meaning of the word. Once you have learned a new word, come up with sentences that make use of the word so that you can truly say that you know the meaning of the word. When you believe that you have acquired a new word into your vocabulary, write it down in your notebook - just the word, no hints whatsoever. Then at the end of the week, bring up your notebook and see how many words are still retained in your memory. Those that you can recall have truly become part of your vocabulary.

Everyone has a different learning habit, and so do not force what works for others onto yourself. If you need to spend more time to remember a word, accept that as a fact and make sure that you spend quality time in reading. What matters is what you remember at the end - you want to be able to use the right word at the right moment to accurately represent your idea.

It is also important that you not rely on an English-Chinese dictionary. While you may find it more convenient to learn the meaning of a word in Chinese, the act is going to do more harm eventually because you may not be able to pinpoint the use of the English word.
2007-06-14 12:54 am
Don't check up every word. This is a wrong skill to learn new vocabulary. You should try to guess the meaning. Don't afriad to get wrong. You should keep to use "trial and error' method otherwise you will easily forget the words.

The vocab using by SCMP is more difficult than Hong Kong Standard. Please try to read HK Standard.

Besides, buying newspaper. you could read English version of the newspaper from the Yahoo website and then read the Chinese version.
2007-06-14 12:33 am
If you want to learn more english and more vocabulary but finding newspaper is too hard for you. My suggestion is choose a novel to read rather than the newspaper. Many of the article in the newspaper are using harder vocabulary or I should say they will use a more professional vocabulary.

So, go to a book store find a novel which is right for your level and finish it. Go from there, once your feel more confinence about your english go for a harder one.
Another suggestion for you is watch more english tv. Coz, even if you know all the vocabulary, you will not pronouce it correctly. You will learn the correct pronunciation by watching more english tv. (news or series are all good, as long as they are english).
2007-06-14 12:31 am
其實如果你係對個字有興趣你就自自然然會記得, 當然唔係叫你完全唔好查字典, 不過就真係唔會全部唔識既字都走去查lor, 有時睇曬成段野, 你自然會明白個句講咩, 咁樣你先會可以令到自己睇得快架~ 你睇多d英文自自然然就可以越睇越快, 越黎越唔洗查字典架喇~ +油啊 €

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