*10分* F.1 英文 *十分緊急*

2007-06-13 11:51 pm



I'm going to learn......(BE GOING TO)

I am doing......(PRESENT CONTINUOUS)

I make......(SIMPLE PRESENT)


回答 (4)

2007-06-14 12:33 am
Simple Present Tense:
1. 習慣;每一日都會做的:
常見字眼:always, everyday.....
e.g. I brush my teeth everynight.

2. 事實 / 永遠都啱的事 / 唔會成日變o既嘢:
e.g. The sun rise from the East.
He lives in Kowloon.

Simple Present Continuous Tense:
1. 一件進行緊的事:e.g. I'm watching TV now.
2. 一件一定會發生的事:e.g. I'm going to Tom's party tomorrow.
(注意:同future tense中"be going to" 差不多)

Simple Future Tense - "be going to":
~ 在不久的將來,一定會發生的事。
~ 時間比用"will"近的
~ 多數講已計劃好的事

Simple Future Tense - "...will...":
~ 用來問問題多
~ 可用在命令上面
~ 有咁o既打算,但未計劃幾時做o既,所以時間可以係無限期後.....

e.g I'm goning to cook the dinner.

I will cook the dinner.
2007-06-14 12:09 am
1. I'll = I will 未來式,非常肯定會
e.g. I will marry you.

2. I am going to learn = 未來式, 沒有前者肯定,但有打算
e.g. I am going to the market.

3. I am doing = 現在進行式,做緊
e.g. I am doing my homework now/at the moment/at present.

4. I make = 現在式,一般情況常常做的事/習慣,但這一刻卻沒有做(否則用#3)
e.g. I make up my own bed.
I do homework every afternoon.
I go to church every Sunday.
He visits me twice a week.
2007-06-14 12:06 am
SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE WITH WILL : 會....for sure (a further away period of time)
BE GOING TO: 將會 (a closer period of time)
SIMPLE PRESENT: a fact...an action happen just at that instant, a routine
2007-06-14 12:05 am

1. Present Continuous

Use the present continuous to describe something that is happening now.

Eg. I am standing outside the Theatre Royal RIGHT NOW.

Eg. As I'm talking to you, the fans are gathering in front of the theatre.

Use the present continuous to desribe something that is happening these days, even if it's not happening right now.

Eg. The airheads are playing at the Theatre Royal THIS WEEK.

Eg. I'm studying literature THIS TERM.

Usage Note: The contracted from is usually used in speech and in informal writing.

Eg. Bye, Jack, We're leaving now.
Wait! I'm coming with you.

2. Present Simple

Use the present simple to talk about what happens regularly.

Eg. Some people rush through life.

Eg. They don't relax.

Eg. other people are calm.

Eg. They don't feel tense.

Use adverbs of frequency with the present simple to express how often something happens.

Eg. Never, Usually, sometimes, Rarely, Often, Always, Seldom

BE CAREFUL! Adverbs of frequency usually come before the main verb but they go after the verb BE.

Use the present simple to talk about scientific facts.

Eg. Stress causes high blood pressure.

Eg. Water freezes at 0 degree Celsius.

3. Future Tense (Will and Be Going to)

You can use 'be going to' to talk about future plans and intentions.

Eg. Professor Fox is going to attend a conference next week.

Eg. I'm going to go with him

You can use 'will' to say what you think or guess will happen in the future.

Eg. I think it will be very interesting.

Eg. I suppose he'll talk about his new invention.

Eg. The cars of the future won't run on petrol.

Use 'be going to' when something in the present leads you to predict something in the future.

Eg. Look at those dark clouds! It's going to rain

Eg. Watch out! You're going to fall.

Use 'will' to give information about the future.

Eg. Professor Fox's books will be on sale at the conference.

Use 'will' when you decide something at the moment of speaking.

Eg. Professor Fox is speaking at noon.
Oh. I think I'll go to his talk.



參考: myself

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