澳門人可吾可以係hk 買mpf 加...手續又係點呢

2007-06-13 8:35 pm
澳門人可吾可以係hk 買mpf 加...手續又係點呢

回答 (3)

2007-06-13 9:01 pm
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sorry MPF 係比香港人 ka 咋. 香港政府都淨係監察香港人既強積金秀口 ka 咋. 如果你想儲錢, 要自行買份儲蓄保 lor. 都差唔多姐.
2007-06-17 7:07 am
Do u have hk BR?If yes,u may need mpf.
You work in hk?why u need mpf?
2007-06-16 3:51 pm
Sorry. MPF is for HK people only. But if you want to save money for future, you can buy investment product in Insurance company. It is more flexible because you can take out money anytime you want. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. My email is [email protected]

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