LCCI level 3

2007-06-13 8:04 pm
我CE有讀會計,LEVEL 3比起CE多幾多野GA??
有D咩 LCCI書推薦??

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
主要多左高考同埋會考及高考out syl.既topic.
- cash flow statement
- consolidated final account
- cost accounting
- published account
- Statment of Standard Accounting Practice (Accounting Policies, Stock and, Long-term Contracts)
- accounting ratio (比會考更多)
會考及高考out syl.的課文:
- joint venture
- bills of exchange
- consignment a/c
- branch account
- Redemption of Prefences Shares & Purchase of Ordinary Shares
- Tangible Fixed Assets
- financial budgeting e.g. cash budget
- Acquisition of Sole Trader or Parntership Business
- Investment Account

以上有些課文會有一定的難度. 記得我之前讀A-Level Account覺得consolidated final accounts & cost accounting 好難, 之後老師慢慢教先識. 之前我半工讀會考及高考Out syl.既topic, 都有好多唔識同讀唔晒.
而家至6月30日可以報名參加LCCI 11月考試, 表格可在下載.
書方面, 其實你可以看LCCI出版的How To Pass系列的書籍. 如果你會考是用Frank Wood的書, Out Syl.的Topic應該也可以在這本書找到. Frank Wood也有出A-Level會計的書.
2007-06-13 10:00 pm
主要多左高考同埋會考及高考out syl.既topic.
而家至6月30日可以報名參加LCCI 11月考試, 表格可在下載.
書方面, 其實你可以看LCCI出版的How To Pass系列的書籍. 如果你會考是用Frank Wood的書, Out Syl.的Topic應該也可以在這本書找到. Frank Wood也有出A-Level會計的書.

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