
2007-06-13 5:09 pm
I went to driving range on Friday with my friends, and I try to use different clubs. 我覺得我有掌握到如何打會比較好.但是真的還是需要長時間的練習.hopefully I can play well in the game for the next class. i am doing my project recentaly, well i have had never write the ApA style before and teaching guilde, but i still try to do my best on it.


回答 (9)

2007-06-13 5:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I thought how I do have grasp to form a mutual financing association quite well. But really needs the long time the practice.
參考: me
2007-06-13 11:11 pm
I guessed I was going to take the game under control, but I really need somemore time for pracitce.

順帶一提,第一句的went如果是指上星期,那麼應該用last friday(不要在前面加on喔)
如果整篇都是past tense記得轉回past tense
另外,try to use diiferent club有點詞不達意,club一般都不是use,中文也不會說"我嘗試去用幾個會",join, attend都會比較恰當

i am doing my project recentaly, well i have had never write the ApA style before and teaching guilde, but i still try to do my best on it.
參考: 我
2007-06-13 6:17 pm
先幫你中文嗰 part:

I think it would be better if I could handle the way to play, but still need more time to practice.


其他的就是你英文部份有啲Grammar and Spelling mistakes:

1. went to driving range on Friday with my friends, and I try to use different clubs.

你用了 “went”, 咁即係過去式, “try” 要用 “tried”

2. i am doing my project recentaly,

“recentaly” 多了個 “a”, should be “recently”

3. well i have had never write the ApA style before and teaching guilde, but i still try to do my best on it.

“have never write”, 過去分詞, 要用 “have never written”
“guilde”, 多了個 “l”, should be “guide”

其實成段都有少少問題, ,不過唔太知你背後故事, 所以唔再改

2007-06-22 14:14:46 補充:
Totally wrong
2007-06-13 5:33 pm

I think I handled it quite well. However, it really needs longer time to practise more.
2007-06-13 5:29 pm
i went to driving range on friday with my friends, and i tried to use different clubs during the range. I think I had acquired mastery of controlling the clubs, but i really need more time to practice. Hopefully i can play well in th game for the next class. I am recently doing a project but I never write the ApA style before and teaching guild. Anyways, i would still try my best on it.
參考: mememe
2007-06-13 5:23 pm
I thought how I do have grasp to form a mutual financing association quite good. However, it really requires the long time the practise.
2007-06-13 5:22 pm
I think I can handling it well, but actually, it needs time for practice.
2007-06-13 5:21 pm
I went to driving range last Friday with my firends and I tried different clubs. I think I can get over it to play better with keeping practises. Hopefully I can play well (in the game,你指係driving range定係落green打, 好似都無必要加呢句, 你一係改做 **I can play the game well for the next class**) for the next class. I am doing my project recently, well I have never wrote the APA style before and the teaching gudie, but I still try to do my best on it.
2007-06-13 5:16 pm
I think I have handled the skill but it really needs a long time to pratice

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