我想问点样可以check IQ?

2007-06-13 3:56 pm
help 下

回答 (1)

2007-06-23 3:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
check IQ's formula is

IQ = MA/CA x 100 = 100, i.e.
你的實際年齡 / 你的心智年齡 x 100 = 100. then, the general IQ for normal human is 100. Each deviation is +/- 30. Then, 70 - 100 - 130 is normal IQ. Below 70 slightly mental retarted and over 130 is gifted.
If 一個人佢o既表現無特別, 就唔好去 check. 因為人o既情緒, 緊張, evironment etc.....都會影響臨埸表現. 如果因此 check 到 your IQ is 68 - 69. 咁你o係咪 label o左你自己o係輕度弱智呢?? 有咩意思呢? 除o左你因此可以申請傷殘津貼.
But, if you still want to do it, you may click on
http://www.iqtest.co m

Hope this can help.

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