Car comparing~

2007-06-13 1:29 pm
Audi TT
Mazda RX8
which one is better for a new hand ???

MX-5 Miata


personally i like 2 doors, rather than 4 doors i perfer auto rather than mantul i use it in England not Hong Kong if those cars are not good for me do you have any idea what should i choose ??


and also normally ( most of the time ) only 1-2 people sit in the car, but just sometime when i go out with friends it will be more i use the car for drive ( still like it fast) , but not "VS" with other


i dont need too much seating room and storage room, because most of the time it will be only me or me + my gfd


Thanks for suggested for the VW GTi, but sorry to say that personally i dont like that kind of the out look of the car, Sorry. i love some kind of car which is small or look like a sport car, that why i ask for the TT and RX8. So do you have any other suggesttion ??

回答 (3)

2007-06-13 3:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢三架車都唔同category - 一架係單門公子車, 一架係四門房跑, 一架係開篷車. 我就覺得唔可以直接比較 (雖然外國有車書早排有比較RX-8, TT, 350Z同Ford Mustang, 而RX-8贏咗).
如果你新手都問呢三架車嘅, 咁即係錢唔係問題啦! 保險勁貴同二手價就可以唔講喇, 單刀直入講車啦, 等你有多個意見自己考慮:
Audi TT:
優: 新款, 形(見仁見智), 歐洲車好似矜貴D, 造工用料出色, 2.0T引擎低中轉有力, 改裝潛質高, DSG波箱一流
劣: 後坐形同虛設, 頭轆車, 2.0T版香港好似冇Audi著名嘅Quattro聰明四驅, 3.2V6車頭又太重副engine又唔係咁好. 始終華過於實, 唔係真正跑車feel. 外形冇第一代咁震撼
Mazda RX-8:
優: 車輕, 後驅, 引擎處於前軸之上, 轉子引擎重心低, 操控好, cc細=排費平, 三架車中真係可以坐四個人, 側撞設計安全度高, engine聲特別, 高轉數
劣: 轉子引擎壞咗唔係咁多人識修理, 勁食油. 低轉冇力, 要有力一定要keep住高轉數.
Mazda MX-5 Miata:
優: 中性操控, 易揸, 練車一流(練習個練, 唔係鍊), 引擎輸出平均, 樣樣嘢都好neutral
劣: 個樣比舊款較女性化, 可以再好力D, 開篷車=車架唔夠硬, 呢代太易揸少咗挑戰性.
P.S.: " new hand " 英文係 Novice或者beginner, slang可以叫newbie.

2007-06-14 21:09:24 補充:
If I had to pick one out of the three, and use it in England, and if this is going to be the only car I am going ot get, I will pick the RX-8. TT will be the close second, but just because money is not a factor so I don't care about used car depreciation. MX-5 will be a distant third.

2007-06-14 21:10:47 補充:
However, I will pick a VW GTi over those three any given day, or an Audi S3. More practical, better seating room and storage room; more fun to drive; easier to repair in UK.

2007-06-16 06:08:13 補充:
If this is the case.Honda Civic Type R or S2000, Lexus SC430,Nissan 350Z,BMW 325i/d or Z4,Audi A5,
2007-06-17 6:32 pm
Ha!You really "fall for" cars!Fabulous!
2007-06-14 9:10 pm
The RX 8's price is cheeper but the quality isn't better than the Audi TT.
If you want more HP, chose the RX 8.
If you want good quality, chose the TT.

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