日本7日 急!!!!!!

2007-06-13 9:37 am


回答 (2)

2007-06-14 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
要計算帶幾多錢去, 最好先做個行程表. 知道行程後就可以計到budget. 例子:
day 1: 香港-成田-新宿
day 2: 橫濱
day 3: disney land (pass 5800yen一人)
day 4: 築地-台場-銀座
day 5: 新宿-原宿
day 6: 新宿-池袋-涉谷-代官山-六本木
day 7: 淺草-上野-成田
以上行程預算 (每人):
- 午, 晚餐每日約: 4000yen x 6 = 24000yen
- disney land one day pass: 5800yen
- skyliner來回成田-上野: 1920yen x 2 = 3840yen
- 來回新宿-橫濱: 680yen x 2 = 1340yen
- 其餘交通費約: 3000yen
- 手信約: 4000yen
- shopping: 要自己計
以上加埋約: 42000yen = 約hk$2730
兩個人七日(唔計shopping)就需要預84000yen, 當然行程唔同預算就會唔同左, 所以您要先知道自己想去邊度啊!

參考: 自己
2007-06-14 3:54 am
Many shops and restaurants take credit card. But remember to call your credit card company and tell them you are going to use your card in Japan, otherwise, it might be blocked.

In general, lunches and dinners cost about 1000~1500 yen on average, of course you can and you should go to high-end restaurants where cost 6000 yen or more per person. You also need some petty cash for transportation such as railway, metro or even taxi.

It is safe if you bring 5000 yen per person per day, namely 35,000 yen (~HK$2200) for your whole trip. Use card for shopping, the rate is good compare to bank.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:35:19
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