bio f.4 digestion 一問

2007-06-13 8:00 am
Q: Some food manufacturers produce snacks that are made with an artificial oil.

i. The oil may irritate the large intestine and speed up the rate of peristalsis. Why do yo think this may be a health risk?

My ans: Yes, since the rate of peristalsis increases, the time for digestion and absorption will decrease.

ii. If a person eats a lot of such snacks, will he still get fat? Why?

My ans: No idea.(cannot digest the artificial fat?)
(ps. no enough space to type - 500limit)

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The main function of large intestine is absorption of water, not digestion. Too much peristalsis --> too little time for absorption of water --> watery faeces = diarrhea 肚痾. The body risk too much water loss = dehydration 缺水, which is a dangerous situation.

2. Again, absorption is not in large intestine. It happens mainly in the small intestine. If the fat does not create a problem in the small intestine, it will still be digested and absorbed. He will still get fat.
參考: f.3 is using the same books as f.4, and if the question is for f.4, the answer should be there
2007-06-13 8:20 am
For question one, you explanation is correct. However, the question does not ask you "YES" "NO" question. You don't need to answer "Yes" at the beginning of the sentence. Can you get my meaning??

For question two, the answer must be correct because snack contains a lot of fats. Excess fats would store in the boby. It would easily to get fat.
Also, fats can also store in the blood vessel. Cholestrol may also eaily to occur. It may harm to the body.

I hope my own opinion can help you. I hope my answer is correct because I don't know how many marks does this question obtain. ^ ^

2007-06-13 00:22:50 補充:
Actually, I am a form three student.I think I may miss some points that teach in form four.But the direction is correct.
參考: My own knowledge

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